Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 20)

Way to go @Illicitmango and thanks for the fun @ChronicMcBudz


Probably should have said Armageddon instead of Apocalypseā€¦

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Lol, same here bro.
Iā€™m going to attempt to watch A Christmas Story Christmas this year.

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Awesome, thanks for the fun @ChronicMcBudz
Speaking of tool, and the reason I originally said parabola, I was showing my son how play drums to that one day lol


Congratulations buddy! :smiley:

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Good guitar :guitar: riffs in that one :point_up::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:


Yeah! Theyā€™re a good bandā€¦I love just about all music. Been playing guitar since 8 or so and drums since 10. Anything with a catchy sound is hard to not want to jam to


I have been play guitar :guitar: for 47 year now and still play a few hours almost every day!:+1::sunglasses::facepunch:

These are a few of my axes :axe:


Heres one of my acoustics, all the others are buried in a closet with my old gear


Heres a funny story, I bought an ibanez for 420 bucks about. roughly.

I didnt know how to play and didnt really learn, so eventually my pothead ass figured damn I need money and want weed, so how about I give this guitar to someone who will play it , I make some money and I can get weed. welp I sold it for 80 bucks due to value drop etcā€¦ IM SO DUMB.

But lesson learned, never sell your ax for weed <3


do you record any of it ?

A simple interface plugged into a computer with a DAW and you can make some stuff <3

I can share some of the stuff ive made here with meh piano

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I only got two very old acoustics 1 Martin 12 string & a Gibson 6 string. I have not played the 12 string in about 10 years or so and rarely play the 6 string one. It works me to hard now and my hand :raised_hand: canā€™t take it like back in the day, but love :heart: to plays all my electric guitars. :star_struck::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::v:


Someone have a protools to sell?

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I know thereā€™s someone around here that ā€œgetsā€ stuff like that.
Canā€™t think of who though.


I have a few programs to separate all the instruments and vocals, then I can play with them. Got a whole music :musical_score: room. I still jam with my friends. I play a lot at night with headphones :headphones: on so as to not disturb the wifey.


If you know someone or somebody who sell used protools with pace ilok. Please let me know.
I m without daw since i bough my mac m1.

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I with a hd 6xx sennheiser headphone


I donā€™t know what mine are, but they are really good ones, might even be sennheisers, wife bought them for me when the neighbors started to complain about the loud music :musical_score::laughing: :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: canā€™t crank up my Marshall cabs :slightly_frowning_face:


I have a pair of soundtech p.a
To hear loud music

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I have an old peavey PA system we used to use from the early 80s, old band equipment.:+1::facepunch: