Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 20)

Glad that they made it!
Tag me if ya grow them. :slightly_smiling_face:


I will for sure @blowdout2269 I like to grow the autos outside, but may start an indoor tent with them if Iā€™m running low on herb come March. with my back injury and small trailer decided its best just to grow outside. last year I sprouted in mid may and was harvesting by end july. Worked out great. then i pollinated my outdoor photos to get a motherlode of seeds to work with for the future. i try to be self sufficent and not buy anything cannabis related. ive havent been in a dispensary since they opened in my state even to look at the products


Wait you havenā€™t even gone into to look :eyes:!

No not yet, I donā€™t leave the house that much and when i do I always have herb on me. I hate to say it but my finances are super tight being on limited income. I smoke 95% flower and a little bubble hash that my friend came over and made with my outdoor. I canā€™t tell you the last time I did a dab. Maybe 2 months ago when i visited my buddy in Syracuse. I wouldnā€™t know what I would do if I had to buy weed.


I completely understand the tiiight finances. Itā€™s a trip checking the stores out. They seem to fall into two categories 1 is modeled after apple stores( Flynnstoned) and the second is more like a deli with glass display counter ( William Jane). I prefer the second model

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I friend with weed is a friend indeed, a friend without weed is a friend in need! Thank goodness for friends right!


Thank good ness for friends !!
To keep it relevant for a ;
10 pack of Northern Purple OG(Copa) x either? Skunk #1 (@Enjoi802 )or P25 (Copa)
The father could be either or the 2 or both I did not get the Maury Povich DNA results so i cant say ā€œYOU ARE THE FATHERā€
Heres the question ;Name my 2 favorite Canadian Bands ;


Tragically hip and Rush?


Tragically Hip, Celine Dion
Maybe Justin Bieber

  1. Rush, 2. Nickelback
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Rush and Triumph.

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Trailer park boys

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How old are you?

Iā€™m secretly hoping itā€™s the Hampton Grease Band

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almost 40 but donā€™t judge by that.
there has been 1 right answer just not the other

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damn im going to have to check that out

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Anne Murry, Gordon Lightfoot


Rush and nickelback maybe

How many times? LOL


I already said that, and he responded someone got one but not bothā€¦

I feel like Canadians might be legally required to like Rush?