Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)

Hey @DougDawson i put some of the blue moon rocks pollen to good use today!

First 2 strains got pollinated. More on deck in the next week or two.

A q-tip worked perfectly for getting all that pollen that sticks to the side of the bag. I just knocked all the pollen I could to the bottom of the bag before opening it. Then stuck the q-tip in the bag and rubbed it on the sides. That was plenty of pollen to pollinate the two plants I did today. Still have a decent amount left too.

I think i’m going to prioritize pollinating the mother plants I’ve been holding instead of the varieties I am flowering out for the first time (since I know my mother plants are all good quality weed). If I have enough left I can pollinate those seedling in the next round (if any are keeper worthy).

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