Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)

He’s seriously gonna break all the records. Was hoping sainz would wipe the floor with Hamilton but he’s in surgery and not racing now.

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My dad raced Sprint cars
But was chasing his dream to drive F1
So I was raised in racing lol
Born in England


Had a few waterbeds in nineties… was living large…:grinning::grinning::grinning:


Wish I lived semi close to silverstone. I’ve always dreamed of doing hot laps there. Closest to me worth driving is prolly Indy.

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I have been multiple times to long beach grand prix
My dad owned a race car fan shop in orange county Cali so we always received tickets free from vendors
Even have somewhere a flag from Vince Niel racing that yr

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That’s the life man. I’d rather be racing or watching racing then anything else, all life stress off the mind focused on apex’s, I’ve done a couple race of lemons with an old escort hatch back but that car didn’t last long the second time.


We love :heart: them free flow waterbeds and would never give it up. We got a king size sleep dial with the dual controllers in our guest room if we want to sleep on something solid. :joy::joy::joy:


Took my son pretty far racing MX
I show photos one day

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Hey!! Good Morning / Afternoon OG, Does anyone know if CBD cultivar gets amber trichomes like THC strains do? Im trying to gauge when to chop this but I dont know if its the same for THC and CBD

Also if she got pollinated will it be obvious where the seeds are ?

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yes and yes

if it was lightly pollinated- no its a needle in a hay stack. but if you intentionally pollinated it all the calyxes will be plump.


I just didnt look close enough I see one now :stuck_out_tongue: Its still green, Im thinking it didnt get that seeded , maybe 5-10 max , I cant wait to chop this little thing. Its maybe an index finger or middle finger length of a nug :stuck_out_tongue:

In the future I may try to use the Kullu Pollen I collected to make a bunch of F1s likely with more Alpean Gleaux females and Alpeans Sisters ( Blackberry Gleaux, Shaolin Gleaux )

CBD yes. CBG can be tacky white dust and can fly off with wind.


Ive seen CBG with decent zoom it looks dope :stuck_out_tongue:

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To the OGer I discussed WASHINGTON SKUNK with, get with me. THANKS, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I want to let everyone know how GR8 an OG @BasementGardens really is. I received this message in January this year from him. :arrow_down:

Hello! I’m looking for ways to give to the community, need more stamps or anything else? I love what you do! :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

I told him I was just getting ready to order more flips and washer, figuring he would send me one of each, when I receive the box :package: that was much to large for a set of flips and washers this is what I found inside! (Box has been missing as we are renovating and just located today, MY APOLOGIES) :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::ok_hand::blush::partying_face::facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

That is right 1000 flips and 500 washers, so now with all the lots I bid on and won from 2023 OverGrow Picture of the year Contest and the UHS contest. The games, giveaways, and dibs will begin again very soon!


@BasementGardens I tip my hat to you sir! That is how you embrace to OG spirit!


Happy to give back the tiniest little bit, thanks for making OG what we are :green_heart::raised_hands:


That is one cute puppy!

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMANS DAY to all our female growers and members here on OG. Heres a few @bobgrows @raintoday @g-pas @LedZeppelin @Lady.Zandra63 that’s all I can think of ATM.


Thank you @420noob ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
You’re very sweet to recognize it !
Have a fabulous weekend! :v:


Thanks for reminding us all @420noob to salute 🫡 the gals today! :ok_hand: Big shout out to all you lady growers @Lady.Zandra63, @LedZeppelin, @Rena93, @RainToday, @Rhai88, @Bobgrows, @G-paS, & to anyone I forget to mention! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::tophat::tophat::tophat::ok_hand::facepunch::blush::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol: