Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)



Yeah you have! :joy:
Iā€™m still gunnin for that S&SC.

Thank you brother.:call_me_hand:t3:
And congratulations @globalhead


I would not send Bubble Mailers across the border. If they feel something in them they will send them back stating you need to send as a parcel with customs form. Greetings cards go across the border fine. Juat a thought.


Good idea!

I have a ton of S&SC pollen, a good amount of Blue Moon Rocks and around 10 packs of Blue Kush. Thatā€™s beside the 5 large vials of each I froze for myself :wink: Be collecting LSD polllen before you know it, LOL.


Can you show us pictures of what stamps you are talking about. I need to mail out some of the same size bubble mailers. :sunglasses::v:

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Yeah, two Colorado Hairstreak(non-macinable forever stamps), plus a single Forever Stamp, should be good for 5oz here within the states.
I just go to the PO when I send bubble mailers though. I donā€™t send enough of them. Plus, I donā€™t wanna guess and over/under pay, lol. That one I sent you recently was like $5.50.

@PsillyRabbit, what @DougDawson says is true.
International borders is a different ball game.


Yeah I know, but I have sent them to @darkillusion and USA :us: only with just 2 forever stamps on them as long as they were under 2 ounces and not stuffed (to thick) and my mailman will take them from my house. :sunglasses::v:


nvrm that DED ass clone- the package made it just fine.
but i linked everything above .


Did you take them inside and give them to a counter person or just drop them in the box inside the post office :european_post_office:? :sunglasses::v:

I am out of likes by the way


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nah i drop them in my mail box and my mail man takes them.
I have sent a few dozen packages like this. not seeds or clones. Mushroom cultures.
Many to Canada. But for that i use 3 1oz global stamps


You are in the USA :us: right :thinking:, Gotcha :sunglasses::v:

Have a great day everyone
We are on our road trip to our property
6 hrs with my road kitty


Thank you, @shag!! d8JBdDJ Probably the wrong threadā€¦


Good enough for meā€¦thanks for the report brother.
The unmarked is the @JAWS Lost Skunk.
The LM is Lemon Mints.
If you have any other questions just tag me and I should be able to help.

Happy growing! :partying_face:


I hope everyoneā€™s having a solid afternoon!

Iā€™ll be doing another giveaway for the Neroli 91 x Phone Home open pollination packs thanks to @JustANobody generously giving us some mad solid pucks to use. Weā€™ll be aiming for 15 peeps this time as I still have to send out replacements for the pucks that lost the battle against USPSā€™s mighty roller.

U.S. only unless you can find someone to forward the puck to you then thatā€™s fine. No dual registrations please. Iā€™d like for as many people as possible to try bodhiā€™s genetics!

Iā€™ll be removing users from the sign up if they were on the previous one
Closing it at 13 to save a few in the case of more crushed pucks.

  1. @Movement13
  2. @misterbee
  3. @GallacreekD66
  4. @DirtySlowToes
  5. @Amendment3 :us:
  6. @Trimeresurus
  7. @Rhino_buddy
  8. @Sailorboy
  9. @TeddyNuggets
  10. @tresbundles
  11. @donuchee :us:
  12. @bevestaldo
  13. @Mrgreenthumb

Theyā€™ll be going out as soon as I have everything in order!


ƔƓh im in!! Sounds amazing!!

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Thank you for the opportunity!

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That would be mine. Possibly you got F2s of her from @blowdout2269 or the OG from me.

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Happy Tuesday yuns!!! Looks like @SubzeroIceKold was spreading the auto love last night. Very cool. Canā€™t let him have all the fun though. Movie trivia in an hour. Still working on the grab bagā€¦um box. You win I reach in and whatever I pull out is yours. Still see some scarlet galaxy and red velvet cake floating around along with the lone pack of blue cake. Bud shot for attention.! Forgot to mention USA and Canada only this round.IMG_20240312_172039418|281x499