Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 22)

If you need more feel free to let me know a lot of them have arrived safely so I can send more than a 5 pack this time around.

Good morning OG. We have our latest Pollen winner. It’s #1, @blowdout2269 . Congratulations, send me your info and choice of pollen to collect your prize.


If anyone that is not on the call list wants added and more then happy to add you :innocent:

@hollyho @tresbundles @CrunchBerries @SensiBowl @BeagleZ @LegsMahoney @AzSeaindooin420 @BudWhisperer @VAhomegrown @MoBilly @Oldtimerunderground @BigMike55 @Foreigner @Abbbian @Greenfingers @Greasy @JaxxMunster @BarefootAndBlazed @HolyAngel @Cartwright @Chiefer88 @AZsensi @VAkish @HorseBadorites @Bobgrows @oleskool830 @Tugthepup @Murciano207 @CornbreadJunior @Budderton @NorthNorthNugs @Gpaw @Rhino_buddy @Pigeonman @Shadey @JoeCrowe @gonzo @misterbee @thecrazster @no_chem @Terpsnpurps @Mrgreenthumb @Illicitmango ) @Stoner420 @CanuckistanPete @Big @Sincitytoker @Andrane @Natea @E5_Wilk @jessethestoner @Groenevingers @Spitfire @patsnumone @Jimdoors @calman1955 @keene @ifish @Cyr_grow @420noob @THCeed @Sbeanonnamellow @Habibi @Big_Yeloe @HappyTrees23s @Yetigrows @blowdout2269 @Hellablaked @DonGnosis @Cannaology @Smooth @Draig @SleepySails @FirstCavApache64 @anonymous4289 @Kgrim @Carl-Spackler @Mr.greenbee @Wuachuma @calman1955 @Lady.Zandra63 @Gnome1 @RadioWaves @PeaceCoast @Yetigrows @djtrip @Weednerd.Anthony @scotchlock @CamTheCannaman @Metz2 @Hippiechik @Cannabinoid @Cadizzles @MonsterDrank @zavorotnuck @Butustank @tbone1 @splinter7 @skip @heavenlygoo @FeloniousMonk @Tuned @Adventuretime86 @duo @Ottafish @icky_sticky_og_nicky @DiRtYSkuNkZ @Pannonian @ChefDGreen @Ris @amumayuk @freed111 @GrouchyOldMan @mike28086 @Kasper0909 @GreenBhoy @NoCal @hermit @STIGGY @ColForbin @tamimes @OhNo555 @freed111 @OGBohab @dracodragons @Sense @Villiager @Billybob @MassTerpyy @Sdoyle @Icon @UncleLemur @RiverCityRando @DelDavis @NDNCHILD @Strainger @Misguided_USMC @seeds2weeds @PatioMat @GEMI-CONNECT616 @LzBoy @hawkman @CaptainNemo @6u3m @OnePassionateGrower @kevinmalone @LowenderMN @percyryan66 @GallacreekD66 @Crawfish @hawkman @Zolorp @Cybersmib @Not-Notjosh @SubzeroIceKold @MyrtleGrounds @imgrowingart @scotchlock @mainerJ @Obski @Til_Valhalla @DEFSeeds @Wizdom @Hippyhop @ThirdStone @AmnioticBaptism @Movement13 @IKEA22 @Movement13 @sunra108 @zezozose @Whatnow @Originalweedman @Trae1170 @XgrimmX @Dannyrawdog420 @j0ebob @Gadarien @Hashton_Kusha @smokekulture @Growgrassblowglass @mox @stiffy @luxton @belleswell @Gumbert @Chasev89 @bevestaldo @sd9007 @Ethereal @OGSince03 @Sintax @GrowTheAtlas @PadawanWarrior @Jhamersburg @UncleLemur @Trimeresurus @dankitydank1976 @Vegabom @Drsunshinestrains @GigaChungus_69420 @TheC525 @Ace71975
tenor (3) .



Let’s do another round of pollen. Winners choice for a pack of Blue Moon Rocks or Sweet and Sour Cindy pollen. Sign up below for your chance. Good luck everyone.

  1. @Tuned :canada:
  2. @Ace71975
  3. @belleswell :us:
  4. @Crawfish :canada:
  5. @Cannaology :us:
  6. @Sintax :crescent_moon: :alien:
  7. @patsnumone
  8. @Trae1170 :us:
  9. @zezozose
  10. @Cloud9 :us:
  11. @Gadarien
  12. @MikeyMeteor
  13. @GallacreekD66
  14. @Originalweedman
  15. @Osogreen261
  16. @Kasper0909
  17. @stiffy :australia:
  18. @Trimeresurus :us:
  19. @pawsfodocaws :us:
  20. @BeardedMech :us:
  21. @Jhamersburg
  22. @Growgrassblowglass
  23. @smokekulture
  24. @percyryan66 :us:
  25. @DiRtYSkuNkZ
  26. @Pawsfodocaws :us:
  27. @Drsunshinestrains :thailand:
  28. @Vegabom :us:
  29. @thec525 :us:
  30. @sayrum
    Add more numbers as needed

Congrats @blowdout2269 and thank you @DougDawson!!


r i p. I slept early since I have class in the morning today. I appreciate the tag thanks man.


Congrats @blowdout2269 and @DougDawson much thanks for your work and giveaways :v:&:green_heart:


Thanks for the chance @Pigeonman! :+1: :green_heart:

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@Pigeonman Morning friend!!
Since I’ve already been a winner, staying out of it!!
Awesome giveaway!!
:partying_face: :100: :+1: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :right_anger_bubble: :v:
:cowboy_hat_face: :partying_face: :sunglasses: :hugs:

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Pretty awesome :star_struck::sunglasses:

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Message #3763
@duo @misterbee


Ditto, Entry #3763
@Piter @pizza2
ALL, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am stoked I can for sure use some pollen!

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@Flower.agedee - pollen above

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been looking for some DJ Short BB pollen for awhile now. If theres any to be had I sure would love a trade.

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Sometimes they drop it on DC Seed Exchange.

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Just saw this. Looks like I’m late to the party again :man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:

For sure my friend… I’ve been there myself and only had my pup to get me out of it… He is/was the only reason I’m still breathing (he passed last August).

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I had a pot-thought at 3am the other night… Trying to maximize light efficiency, has anyone else tried this?

Its a drip tray from a range, but my thinking is, this should help bring more light to the bottom of the canopy, and it’ll cover my hydroton to help with any algae issues. Also, this should help redirect any heat from the light, so the roots don’t get too warm.

Any thoughts?

Btw, this is an Afghani auto from @Kasper0909 :grin::metal:

Edit: the Afghani is 13 days from the tap root starting to show, they’re quick lil girls


Not sure if you were tagged yet, but @BeardedMech @Magu . Here’s some rad autos. :sparkles:

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