Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

I’d try these.

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Just let me know buddy, no problem :wink:! It’s all good as always! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

I’ll try them if there’s still a open spot.

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Cloud9 and Gho13 if your gonna use em and post results in the near future they are yours. Send the deets.


@PsillyRabbit Hi! Put the “@” on their avatars otherwise they won’t be alerted you had just posted their names! Hope it helps!!
:v: :hugs: :sunglasses:

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Ya ill run them soon.

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Oooohhh weeee, I’d definitely run these ASAP. That’s the Purp strain if I’m not mistaken, would luv to see what that looks like in this climate. Let me know if any is available, thanks.

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I just flipped my tent a couple weeks ago, but I could drop a couple beans in my next run, I’m on a hunt for purple pain relief :grin:

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@PsillyRabbit …I can run them as soon as they reach me if you still have a spot open :slightly_smiling_face:

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Cyr_Grow sent me some BOG Sour Bluetooth a while back, dozens of seeds. I made up a flip that goes to the first US OGer claiming dibs.


Dibs 10 characters


Send me your deets


I have cloud9, bert, Original weedman. Still need adys from Gho13 and ManyManySpliffs to fill the final spots. Send me your addy.
Sorry Luxton and Globalhead you were a bit too late and the inventory is too small.


All good, I’m sure you’d want them worked before I’d be able to get to them… Next time :metal:

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fuck it. I made these beans for you guys anywayz…
@Luxton @Globalhead @Gho13 and @OhNo555 send me the deets…
Let us know how they go. This chuck wasnt exactly on my list of priorities so i wont be running it myself until winter.


Damn I’ve been waiting to try a fastbuds strain. Lmk if any left.


Address sent

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No promises yet Sintax
I owe you fuckin skunk slaps that are put aside somewhere Are you trying to run them right meow?
I will make a contest today.
@Gho13 packed and sent. Put em next to my Iron Cindy crosses until your ready


I received these recently from a @Tracker wiki and wanted to thank you so much :blush: for all the wikis you are always putting up with them firey :fire: genetics :dna:! Nothing like winning :1st_place_medal: one of them @tracker lotteries! Hell Yeah! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::boom::fire::crazy_face::hugs::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Oh deadly, thanks man! Deets incoming :metal:

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