Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

Thanks for this awesome package @blowdout2269!!

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Dude I learned very early that I can’t make smart decisions and am totally self destructive. I can barley keep my shit together. I have absolutely no business procreating plus all my genetic flaws nah there is enough idiots having kids. I don’t need to add to the problem. Not saying kids are bad or people having kids is bad but for me would have been a horrible life for the kid. Between addiction issues and mental the world is better place cause I didn’t have kids lol.

Thanks @blowdout2269 I’ve been coveting that purple Lambo since you started seed run! :+1:


@420noob lol, I couldn’t agree with you more, but about me, haha… I even asked my doc to give me the snip when I was 16 :joy::metal:

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Not reproducing is in no way a character flaw. We’re 8 billion plus on this planet. I’ll bet you’re a better person than you described. A jerk wouldn’t choose Bob Ross as an avatar.


Damn, nice giveaway! Happy father’s day for all the daddies!


Thanks @blowdout2269 and Happy Father’s Day to all us proud Fathers :heart:


I got my vasectomy after 3 kids. He gave me IV Valium to calm me. I was messed up. After he finished I shook his hands and said “thank you, I had a good time.”


Thank you @blowdout2269 :+1::green_heart::+1: Happy Father’s day everyone :pray::green_heart::pray:


Lol, use to be the same way.
Wayyy to selfish for kids. Said I’d never.
Well, I kinda grew up and calmed down.
But, even as a blessed father with beautiful children, we’d all be lying if we said we wouldn’t wanna be you for a day! :crazy_face:


Me too! Said I was to young to make decision that I can’t reverse. I told them good I don’t want it to be reversed. They wouldn’t do it. Again at 22 I tried nope cause I wasn’t married or have kids the doctors thought it was in MY best interest is. To quote suicidal tendencies " My best interest? How do you KNOW what MY best interest is?"
Lol " All I wanted was a Pepsi and she wouldnt give it to me."


The guitarist from suicidal tendencies is one of my favorites he was on a recent cro mags album. You’d make a great Dad @420noob just because you’re self-aware of all that you wrote and care. Also good music and strain taste is important.


Thanks for the chance @blowdout2269

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there :pray:t2::heart:

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Hahaha I had mine about 12 years ago, 4 legged kids only. Halfway through I looked at the doc, who had very terrible bedside manner, and asked with a bit of worry in my voice, “doc, I smell something burning” (thinking “burning toast”, seizure, blah blah, hahaha). He very calmly responded, “yup, that’s you” :joy:

A bottle of grain alcohol and three days on my couch and I was good to go again, hahaha.


Hahahahahaha that hilarious! My doc was cutting cancer out of my back at the time and actually said “don’t make me laugh! I’m too close to your spine!”, she had no idea how serious I was :joy::joy:

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I’m in, thanks for the tag @greenmonster714.
Thanks for the opportunity, @blowdout2269.


For the dads just joining us today…


Don’t forget them tags for your father friends!


Forgot where you are and grew up for a sec lol. Cro mags hell ya. Have you heard life of agony’s lead singer band spoiler NYC? Did one album pretty good LES representation.

Thanks for the kind words. If I was in a stable situation I could’ve been a good father( any man can be a dad and Father is different one is a sperm donor the other a parent) but jumping from city to city at a moment’s notice and a homeless stint I believe I made a wise choice.


He was the bassist, not the singer. The singer was