Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

Good morning stoners

Free Bodhi - Mothers Milk F2 12 Pack to the first person who posts the best looking Joint I’ve ever seen. (Make sure you rolled it yourself lol)

The catch is you guys have to heart the best one.

The one with the most hearts wins :heart:

Winner will be picked later today


9 month cured blackberry kush from last year’s outdoor run. cracked the seal. was dry in the jar, lost scents, but was still sticky and resinous… i mean… look at the resin on this joint… and i just lit it and took the “green” hit… got the scents back when breaking up the buds to twist.
very very smooth smoke. i’ve never cured it this long before.




Here ya go! :crazy_face:




2 to choose from.


1 hand rolled joint :joy::joy::joy:



I won’t be putting my hasty rolls up against these beautiful joints


While I was away this last weekend at the West Coast OG Meetup, Mrs. mota told me that the box I was waiting for from @Hashpants had arrived, and holy crap was I excited!

Truth be told, I’m not sure a discussion of this momentous event took place in this thread, but I’m posting my thank you here.

I got home last night and was both too tired to dive into the box and too excited to hang out with Mrs. mota to open it right away. Because the Mrs. didn’t go into work until after nine this morning (she had a medical appointment) and I was hungry, I made and ate breakfast before opening the aforementioned box. Okay, so I knew it was going to include tomatoes in one form or another, but, as it turns out, it was so much more! For starters, the packing job was truly awesome!

First, it was a box inside of a box, with the goods inside. There’s about 1/2 inch space between the inside of the outer box and the outside of the inner box. In that space was some loose cardboard, keeping the inner box from slipping around too much inside the outside box and, essentially, making a doubly thick container. In the smaller, inner box, the very bottom layer was some more cardboard, then there were four Rice Krispies Treats taped to a piece of cardboard! They were spaced out so as to make a perfect squishy packing cradle for the four glass jars, and they’re going to be doing double duty as snacks! On top of the snacks was a thick layer of tissue paper (candy cane stripe), a thick layer of paper towels, then the goods themselves. The jars settled perfectly in the crevices between our new snacks. On top of the jars was another thick layer of tissue paper, this one bright red, and that brought the whole thing up to virtually the top of the box.

As for the jars themselves, as you can see, they each have two courses of blue painters tape encircling their bodies on the glass as well as a third encircling the tops. The jars were then individually wrapped with newspaper and put into four individual quart zip lock plastic bags.

I’ll also mention that there was a slightly crushed solo cup that was packing material, but for the life of me I can’t recall exactly where it was in the box. I better hit the bong.

The entire package was quite secure when, unopened, I shook it gently. Absolutely an ACE packing job!

While I will get to try the salsa tomorrow morning with breakfast, I do slightly rue having not opened it last night so I could have had it with breakfast this morning. I’m telling myself it’s okay, it will last a day longer this way.

You now know that there is salsa. But wait, that’s only two of those jars! As I type this, I have yet to open any of them, however, I am going to guess that the other two jars are tomato juice. Now, Hash doesn’t know just how much I love tomato juice, but boy howdy do I ever, so that is so damn cool!

Hash, I cannot tell you how excited to get to have your salsa with breakfast tomorrow morning. We’ll see how long the tomato juice lasts!

Truly, I don’t know how I could adequately thank you for such a beautifully delicious gift!


Proof is in the tasting, buddy. I like to slurp that tomato juice loudly so I get All the flavors. It’s tomato, salt , balsamic . The salsa is my tomatoes and mild peppers and onion and distilled vinegar with Mrs Wages dry salsa mix. I went by memory , I hope it’s not too over seasoned. Thanks for all you do around here, I joined OG to talk to you and I have not been disappointed.


Ahh, so it’s not just me. I can’t touch the stuff. We’ll hybrids about as far as I want to veer away from Indica Dom strains.


Drop your final votes ! I’ll be picking someone in an hour or two !

Not a joint but eh this is one of my favorite hash blunts :slight_smile:


Blunts count right :sweat_smile:


Tied up need more votes

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What about cannagars?


You have a joint in the background as well. Lol


Lol, that’s part of the tray.


It was a long day almost done
4.3 vortec intake gasket replacement an water pump

I hope everyone had a great day


Looks like I missed all the fun
The other day it was waiting in a vet for hrs to be seen at a walk in
Life sure goes fast kids