Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

Holy moly that’s delicious! I agree. Slurping is most definitely the way of the flavor. :yum:!

I haven’t opened a salsa yet. That will come in the morning.

No, thank you. You are a real inspiration for so many, including myself. I don’t feel as if I really do anything here. That said, luckily for me, I do get to interact with some very fine people.

I am both touched and surprised. Thank you.

I smoke pot so I don’t have to talk to me! HA!

Seriously, thank you, brother.


Am I too late? :grin:


I think :face_with_monocle: you might got this one bro :sunglasses:! :joy::joy::joy::blush::partying_face::star_struck::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::v:

1 Like


It seems the winner has been chosen ! Sorry I lagged I passed out last night. lol

@OnePassionateGrower come on down :eagle::eagle::eagle:


Congrats on the win, @OnePassionateGrower :+1:
And all the chances, @SubzeroIceKold


That’s a beautiful one. Love me some long joints from the unlimited length rolled up paper lol

Nice to see you around luxton !


Hard outta likes.

When I was an older teen living in B.C. in 1967/68, there were “special” papers and rolling machines that were five times as long as a normal cigarette. The idea was you’d cut your cig with a single edge razor blade, saving time by rolling five at once. Sometimes if there was a big enough group, maybe 25 or more people, we’d take a third paper and glue two joints together. Of course, we’d have to cut off the soggy end several times (half as often with a “regular” long one) before it was killed.

Is that how that impressive joint was rolled? If someone rolled that by hand somehow, my hat is most definitely off to them!


Thanks Sub definitely made my day :partying_face: :call_me_hand:t2:
Pm you once I’m home.

Thank You @freed111 :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:t2:

I started out rolling cigars at around 13 and would stick them together in between leaves and roll by hand. Longest I’ve ever done was 13 dutches it was longer than an 8 person table that’s where we placed it while being held up by cereal boxes. Took 15 of us 4hrs to get to about 1ft. and a half long and smoked it like a peace pipe holding it downwards. Good times as a teen lol. There were several names for them growing up Ooop, Extendos, etc.


I really wish I wasn’t hard outta likes right at this moment.

That whole story is so great!

Let me ask you, would that be considered a blunt?

No shit, brother! It’s good to have stories to tell!


Yes it would the 13 one was so wild I threw in 2-3 mini dutches in there as well. Grew up on the east coast 45 min away from the Bronx so most of the time it was cigars. They did take a toll luckily nowadays I only use raw cones or raw papers. Gave Newport 12yrs of my life they didn’t even send me a sweater. :joy: been to tobacco free for 7 yrs my lungs are much happier.


Ahh, that was full king size doob, that I enjoyed all to myself, lol.

Good to see you too bud!! Haven’t seen you around much lately :metal:


Outta likes.

Thank you for your answer, and let me thank you for stopping tobacco as well! It’s an insidiously difficult habit to break, and yet you did it! A big fucking CONGRATULATIONS! That, my friend, is a serious win!!! d8JBdDJ


Straight from a rehab dr, quitting cigarettes is more difficult than quitting heroin. My hats off to anyone who has been able to… and to anyone trying, understand what you’re up against, and keep fighting :metal:


The fight is real. I successfully quit 16+ years ago. Was a 2 pack a day smoker.


Damn!! Way healthier nowadays (16 years!!!) than you long ago had been, at least in relation to tobacco. 32% regarding how addictive it can be to us, almost double of the 17% regarding alcohol!!

@Smooth Congrats!! All the way!!
:v: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :sunglasses:


You know they aren’t organic right? They got sued for falsely saying that. Impressive joints y’all! @luxton you kept the rolling machine in the pic lol @ndnchild apparently we have some of the same rolling skills fat and smooth!


lol, that one is for smaller joints

Yea they got sued for the organic line of raw cones which I agree weren’t very organic tasting. I mostly just appreciate a really thin rolling paper it’s the thicker off brand ones that remind me of my cigarette smoking days they smell more than the actual flower. :face_vomiting:
It’s just personal preference I’d one day like to dabble in a volcano but I also hear there’s something missing in the experience that smoking only fills. :man_shrugging:t2:


Have you tried the Elements yet?