Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

Thanks again


Thanks everyone for participating each week!

Iā€™ve been having BiPolar2 flare-ups so this year has been more difficult than others so far and these ā€œFuck the work week lets make people smile and grow their own meds.ā€ wiki + random number give-aways have really helped my mental state which is another reason I love dropping the love on Weds am knowing that at least 2 OGers are guaranteed a great evening as a result of my efforts. :+1:

Take care everyone, and as spoken by the ever-wise Wild Stallions:



Sorry to hear about your struggles @Pigeonman. Participating/winning giveaways increases my mental health for sure. I attribute this site to helping me out unknowingly when I needed it. Then, once the seeds won finally get grown, my mood is boosted that much more especially once I get to toke till I choke! Haha


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Thanks @Natea & @Fortman420 .

My doggo Celia does whatā€™s seen in the gifā€¦ but with farts. :rofl:


Youā€™re the best. Thanks for showing up every Wednesday to bring the humps. :purple_heart::love_you_gesture:t2:

Thanks for being here @Pigeonman ! I really enjoy watching you grow

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didnā€™t know about your condition @Pigeonman. All the best to you! And youā€™re right: fuck the world and thanks to OG and OGers being a light in these dark times.


Bi-Polar 2 + ADHD + OCD = :crazy_face: :dove:

The OCD usually helps keep my ADHD in check until the BiPolar 2 kicks in the bad way.

Fun fact: Most folks know about Bi-Polar 1; this is the one that floors people. Bi-Polar 2 can become a superpower; this is how Iā€™m able to do so much all at once all the timeā€¦ but like with any superpower there are super-weaknesses and when those come up my brain goes:

With a heavy dose of:


Which is why I need to constantly remind myself to:


Thanks for the opportunity @Pigeonman
appreciate you.

hey yā€™all another shot at pigeonmanā€™s jew gold in wiki above ^^^ if interested.

@FirstCavApache64 @Sodapop @BudWhisperer @420noob @TopShelfTrees1 @misterbee @Coffin_Dodger @BeTheLight @Ris @OnePassionateGrower @blowdout2269 @bobgrows @justanobody @LzBoy @hashpants @darkillusion @Rhino_buddy @navy66


Your in my thoughts @Pigeonman
Iā€™m a walking mess a threat to myself an the word
If I donā€™t hit the gym almost every nite on top of smoking


And you certainly didnā€™t forget about keeping on growing :laughing:

Didnā€™t know there were two distinct Bi-polar types. I can see how that superpower can become a burden. At least your cocaine budget is close to zero I assume, so thereā€™s that lol

All the best to you!


If birds arenā€™t real then how come @Pigeonman is as real as it gets?? I believe in you, dude!

Thank you for being open about discussing mental health. Every time someone opens up it makes things visible, and it gives others more power for themselves to open up as well.
:green_heart: :purple_heart: :green_heart: :purple_heart:

Honestly, for me I have noticed a positive shift in my mental state just by joining up on this site and interacting all over. Thereā€™s an amazing mix of positive people here which makes it easier for me to carry that back out into my world. So I can imagine how much more it brings when you know that youā€™re the one spreading the joy!

:peace_symbol: :frog:


Theyā€™re just dinosaurs



I am cocaine!

Okay not really but also yes really.


You should start to send your blood in vials then :laughing:

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Too many questions.
Firstly: Why is it black?
Secondly: Why is your face melting?

There is no thirdly, only Zuul.


Yeah, thatā€™s probably too dangerous, humanity is not prepared for that yet, if it ever will.

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Thank you for another chance @Pigeonman and I agreeā€¦fuck the work week! Haha ( But, really, I hope youā€™re doing alright. )

Good luck, everyone!


Hey @Cartwright look what arrived in the mail at my lily pad this morning! :mailbox_with_mail:

Thanks again dude, Iā€™m excited to have some Rotten Pineapple in the future. What do the vertically written words say? To me it looks kinda like ā€œPluto Rexā€

OGTWWL :green_heart: :purple_heart:

:peace_symbol: :frog: