Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

Ohhh, it’s even better than that. :wink:

Mango Hashplant pollen giveaway. Currently US only this round.


One of the last give aways i will be able to host for a lil while so0o for the full gambit of my Iron Cindy crosses.
Liberty Haze X Iron Cindy (sat dom) 10
Liberty Haze X iron Cindy (fat bud) 5seed
E.C.D.O.G. X Iron Cindy (sat dom) 5 seed
E.C.D.O.G X Iron Cindy (red bud) 5 seed
(E.C.D.O.G = (white widow x ak47) x( originala glue x tripple OG))
Harlem shuffle X Iron Cindy 10 seeds
Assuming you have won one or more of these from me already already I can substitute.
How far am I to “the City” as the crow flys. ( If you have my return addy in front of you please refrain)
I’ll do first to post closest without going over.

shitty phone camera

real camera


36 miles :laughing:

Thanks for doing this!



That’s 20 miles?

Thanks bro :facepunch:t2:

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37 miles maybe?

26 miles! :heart:

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18 miles I think

16 miles…

48 miles …

I’m gonna guess 10 miles

Im thinking 50 miles

32 miles away

On flat ground the horizon is about 3 miles usually due to the curvature of the earth just to give y’all some reference for the guessing.
Edit, that’s with the naked eye and not a camera zoomed in.


So, I’ll guess 7 miles

30 miles from the city?

2 miles?

Just a guess

8.65 miles and some change since you are on an elevated platform. :rofl:

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