Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

Thirteen miles.

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27 milesā€¦

6 miles. Lol

55 milesā€¦

I am 155t off the ground your right about that. and you might be onto something with the decimal point lol someone is very close.

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6.3 milesā€¦ā€¦

Hot? Cold? Lol

5.5 looks are deceiving

3,33 miles!

@Kami I can throw some coin your way, $50 Australian (that probably works out to about $12US before you get too excited) it seems to be hard to get seeds sent here, Iā€™ll try to grow anything right now. Let me know how to get $$ to you.


10.5 miles is my guess

23 miles is my guess

Iā€™d go with 7.8 miles

I think you are 4 miles out.

9.7 would be my guess

I will guess 23.7 and of course itā€™s for the win :trophy:! :joy::joy::joy:


Ima guess 86.5 away. Thx and good luck to all :seedling:

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Can we guess more than once?
21 miles

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My guess is 3.1415 miles :pie: :pie: :pie:

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8 miles. As the crow flies