Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

Perhaps. I think the ink blots were at least symmetrical

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I used to administrator and score the Rorschach. Coolest projective test ever!

You are correct. They are symmetrical. The first 7 cards are black and white with a little red. The final 3 cards are very colorful.


Dude that is BADASS AF!!! I fuckin love it!!!


Smoke report thread is up !!!


That must be where I was thinking similarly, although I see abstract, so if you asked me what do I see in the image, I would tell you whatā€™s within the image.

Itā€™s all projective, they are just ink blots. Youā€™d be amazed at the range of things ppl see!

The final 3 cards, with all their colors, tend to evoke emotional responses. Those 3 cards often elicit more responses than the first 7 combined. Itā€™s referred to as the affective ratio.


98 in that single nug??!?? Holy shit what have you been feeding that plant, hemp seeds? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Dr earth, azomite, dolomite, and worm castings. I pile on the dr earth when they are seeded. I also water in some powdered kelp every other week from veg until week 6.

Some strains just pile beans inside :yum:


Awesome dude, Iā€™ve never used some of these so Iā€™ll look into them. I meant the comment as joke and you gave me a seriously useful reply :+1:

My brain thought it would be hilarious if all of those seeds were there because the nug was manually stuffed full of seeds. Kinda like those fishing tournament guys who ā€œwonā€ because they stuffed their catch with weights and smaller fish :laughing:


Lol. I could picture my stepson hollowing one out with tweezers and a Mellon baller just to say his nug had 99 beans.

Dr earth is good shit. Itā€™s a dry amendment. I use 3-4 tbsp every week and scratch it in the first couple inches of soil with some awesome clawed gloves my beautiful wife got meā€¦ I had to throw that in there.

I gave my ph pen to my sons, i have no use for it anymore. I reuse my promix and add a ton of perlite. Reammend with 1/2 cup of 4-4-4 and 1/2 cup of 3-9-4. 1/4 cup of azomite, and 1/4 cup of dolomite lime granules per 10gal of promix. 4-4-4 throughout veg. Then a mix during the stretch, then 3-9-4 after week 3 unless they look hungry for N.

I know nobody asked, but free thinkers donā€™t charge for advice. Thatā€™s what my tea bag label said today anyways.

Hereā€™s a meltdown from Bob Bitchenā€™s Beans


Hey, I may not have asked but that wonā€™t stop me from learning something! Thank you for sharing this info :pray: obviously that tea bag is very wise! Gonna look into these. Right now Iā€™m basically blundering my way through my first time growing in soil. Got some worm castings mixed in, and using Jackā€™s 10-10-10 for veg with some Jackā€™s 10-30-20 on hand standing by for when I need to change things up. Also picked up DynoMyco to use when transplanting.


Good luck! Everyone has their own way of growing. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find what works best for you in no time. Best way I found for soil growing is to feed the soil. Keep the pot happy, the plant will be just fine


Heck I got some Jacks 10-30-20 on standby.

I figure my soil is pretty loaded with nutes from the get go so my new plan is gassed off tap only until The plants hit enter flower , then I will slowly add jacks into their diet.


Dr earth is my fundamental. Stuff works wonders.


Thanks @Ris ! These just came in today. Very much appreciated


If it asks you any questions back out. If it says do you want to overwrite say no. Back out and start over. Once you type you name and hit reply it should take you to the post with your name added. If it asks you anything then exit and exit without saving.


Winner is @patsnumone with his guess of 102 seeds. There were 108 beans in that bud. It was like a skittles commercial,taste the herbaceous.

Request your doodle over on my doodle thread and dm me your address.

Thanks for playing everyone, more to come tomorrow. I still have a few seeded nugs to go through. All of my seeds are available to anyone, I only ask you make a donation for shipping.


Thank you @Cannabiscrusader!

Awesome guess @patsnumone!

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Youā€™re very generous @Cannabiscrusader!

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Letā€™s do another one. Haters said I would walk away and not do a bean guess tonight, well Iā€™m feeling saucy.

Meltdown f2. Hereā€™s the top of one branch. Itā€™s a lot of nug. I need to see some outlandish guesses

Jeopardy rules, closest without going over wins. Donā€™t overwrite anyone. Chuck Norris will show up on horseback looming over your bed with blue paint on his face

  1. @anonymous4289 132 seeds
  2. @OnePassionateGrower 33
  3. @Bundy 69
  4. @Tao 121
  5. @Illicitmango :us: 168 beans
  6. @Ace71975 68 seeds
  7. @Gato 205
  8. @Trickster 188
  9. @US3RNAM3 232
  10. @Terpsnpurps 124 beans
  11. @blowdout2269 - 77 beans
  12. @luxton :canada: 135 beans
  13. @Tuned :canada: 151
  14. @Osogreen261 168
  15. @Coffin_Dodger :us: 148 beans
  16. @DiRtYSkuNkZ :us: 113
  17. @globalhead 200
  18. @ledlight :eu: 255 seeds
  19. @djtrip 88 beans
  20. @BeTheLight :us: 189 beans
  21. @Cloud9 :us: 242
  22. @Sailorboy :us: 196 beans
  23. @Vegabom :us: 140 beans
  24. @Fortman420 :canada: 144 seeds
  25. @Zolorp :us: 173 seeds
  26. @VisionGrower :brazil: 123 seeds
  27. @Mrgreenthumb :us: 220 seeds
  28. @Sintax :us: 121
  29. @Drsunshinestrains :thailand: 164
  30. @Gho13 :us_outlying_islands:125
  31. @Smooth. 118
  32. @BuckeyeBeanz 235
  33. @Trimeresurus :us: 240
  34. @Crawfish :canada: 63
  35. @freed111 :canada: 98
  36. @BeardedMech :us: :wrench: 174
  37. @greemonster714 :us: 92
  38. @Amendment3 :us: 122 seeds
  39. @503BudMan 226 beans
  40. @Jimdoors 110 seeds
  41. @Trae1170 :us: 122
  42. @nonamegoat :us: 58
  43. @patsnumone :us: 242 beans
    add more numbers as needed. Be kind to each other