Gamestonk WSB

The only ‘inside’ trading going on were the HF managers getting caught playing wolf of wall street. The biggest issue for the HFS was a group of literal nobodies got between them and their (barely legal) massive gains.

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Damn! Sundial tearing it up!!!

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I have been hauling ass at work and stacking cash. Buying stocks every chance I can. Have a decently diversified portfolio full of shit OTC…lol. The companies are actually pretty promising. On Friday I made the most I ever have in a single day. And it’s not bad for the blood that runs the streets in OTC.

I don’t mean to brag, just very proud. I suck at saving money.

Does anyone else dabble in OTC or penny stocks (under $5 per share)?


Oh dude nice!

I’ve put in right about what you did and still holding with small to steady gains… I think of it like a “take a few pennies, leave a couple dollars or vice versa” kinda bank lol

Alot of mine have went into pot stocks or greenhouse supply companies with canna side ventures.


There are other kinds of stocks besides penny/OTC??? I never knew…LOL

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Hey look Ma I made it! Still rocketing!




I think I’ve done well in the last year on crypto.


Closest I got to crypto is Bigg Digital Asset (BBKCF). Blockchain technology group is one of their subsidiaries and Bigg is developing some kind of tracking for crypto that’s expected to be a big deal in the future. Been up 133% at one point since I bought in and it’s still low enough I’ll probably buy some more. It’s long game but I think it’ll pay off pretty nice.


Lots of crypto exchange plays recently.
I haven’t picked any up but have kind of been following MJWL and LCLP. Apparently they’re p&d’s. :man_shrugging:

Grabbed DRNG at .0044. Currently up about 140%. Waiting for next move up and will take my money back and ride free shares.
Was straight impulse. Had no reason to buy it other than it was starting to run…lol.

Got burned on the Mark Miller NWGC. Still holding some, just in case they go pink and release Lithium news. Have never had a 100x run before. Would be exciting.

Best of luck.

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Have moved almost everything over to crypto.
The risk:reward is incredible. Liquidity pools for new exchanges pay a ridiculous amount to have you deposit funds. I’m currently locked in to a VVS-CRO LP…making about 3% a day (6.7M$% APY) in interest and both coins are going to 10x (1000%) in 2022.

A new’ish coin paired with USD on binance smart chain pays +15% daily…this amount goes down as more people get in the pool, but holy hell!!!

Edit…APY at the moment is 198.12 septillion %… a 1 with 24 zeros… :scream::moneybag:
You have to beware of impermanent loss…but if you.know the thing is gonna moon…worry not about the day to day prices.

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You still holding that doge?!

I’ve been holding my crypto in usdc on cold wallet…waiting to bust it out and buy the fuck out out of every garbage coin left standing…lol!

Just wanted to share a trade idea…times are tough right now, so figured if this helps someone, or someone sees a flaw in what I’m seeing, please correct me.

Bought some SOU.V today…small Canadian oil and gas company. Here’s what I’m thinking…

It’s still holding the trend and looks to be very close to the bottom, RSI is riding incredibly low, MACD is below crossover line and looks to be ready to curl up.
Was a major sell-off recently due to opec, USA SPR news, Russian oil cap, etc…and these little small cap, small float stocks move on air.
See daily chart below:

Oil daily chart looks bullish from here. Hardcore downtrend looks to be smoothig out and shows signs of hitting a bottom for now (that’s what I see). RSI is riding 30, MACD waaaaay below the crossover line and could turn up any time.
Oil daily chart below…

Southern Energy SOU.V also has natural gas wells…you’d have to check the investor info to get all the numbers, but they’re good…very good for such a small company.
The wells they have in Mississippi are on land that already has infrastructure in place…winter time supply/demand, right?..the can go from Capex to market quick-fast…again, refer to investor info.

Ian Atkinson is the ceo…he took athabaska oil from $100 million to a $1 billion dollar company and has visions of SOU.v hitting 25k barrels of oil a day in the future.

Investing is risky…but I’m feeling confident with this one.

…especially if you know oil and gas, cause I’m just winging it here…lol

Corporate presentation here:
Twitter here:

@Cormoran sorry to bug you, but I know your smart as fuck…take a look and tell me to piss off or YOLO the life savings…lol many thanks :call_me_hand:

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Looks like it’s a really small market cap, which is dangerous in and of itself… moves aren’t necessarily going to be based on macro conditions or anything, and it’s looking close to middle-of-the-road on price right now based on the 5y chart. Looking at the chart for its whole lifetime… uh. It’s down 93% from cap. I’m not sure I’d count on that trend to turn around without some very compelling logic, and putting everything you have on it seems unwise.

Canadian oil’s been getting hammered over the past decade as well, with WCS consistently fetching a lower price on the market than WTI. Forecasts are for regulations in Canada to continue to be more unfriendly towards oil producers than the US, though that might change quickly if Democrats were to forcefully sweep an election or if the Canadian Tories ever managed to control government up there. I can’t remember the last time Canada was anything except hard-left government, so regulations have been getting worse and worse for oil. Even given the increased price movement on WCS compared to WTI after the COVID lockdowns, Canadian oil didn’t outperform the market by as much as it should’ve based on just the price of oil because investments have been moving out of Canadian oil for years. That said, if they have wells in Mississippi, this is only kind of Canadian oil anymore. Are the wells in MS new, and if so, are you sure the recent surge in price didn’t have to do with that news dropping?

I’d say it’s a big risk… of course, if it ends up back at a price of $27 a share like at its peak in 2010, I’d be eating my words. Big risk means big reward. I wouldn’t put everything on it, but it’s your money… I might put 1-2% on it though. I’d have to check with my financial advisor and get him to do a deep dig, send me some analyst reports, and even then I think I’d take it with a grain of salt. Last time I did that was with Quantumscape, which is now down 77%. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m flattered you think I’m that smart, but I’m definitely not all that.


Very safe and sound advice! Many thanks for scanning over this for me. Appreciate your time and detailed response!


Been averaging down on that sou.v position…lol…natural gas gonna come back soon.

Wealthsimple now has options beta testing…so of course I signed up and was recently approved.
Weekly otm spy puts…thoughts?

And consider the magnificent shitshow SVB has given us and jpow earlier this week…more thoughts.

Lol…I’m still learning…everything’s just tanking…so would monthly be better?


They’re gonna reliably earn you money while the market’s down, but if it turns around decisively you could be trapped on the wrong side. Since it’s SPY, the standard quandary of limited upside with potentially unlimited downside is mitigated somewhat; even when a rally comes, it’ll probably be limited in scope. Right now we’re on extra-shaky ground because of two bank runs in three days. Despite Liz Warren and her ilk crowing in triumph over how it proves the crypto sector is extra dangerous and they need to crush it with the full force of their unilateral government authority, no one’s happy to see this; Silvergate was more subject to stress because of crypto depositors, but every bank is having trouble in the form of duration risk right now and they’re all somewhat subject to bank runs. If any single bank gets overloaded, they’re gonna be forced to sell assets, which they’re legally required to keep in safe havens - mostly US treasuries or other highly-rated bonds. As safe havens go, those aren’t very safe right now. The bonds that they bought a year ago have lost a lot of their value due to rate hikes, which is why the whole banking sector took a big hit this week as people caught up to the idea. That puts banks under more stress, which could lead to more liquidity issues moving forward and more collapses, which could lead to another 2008-style crisis. On the other hand, it could end up reasonably well contained; the FDIC was already well aware of the situation at SVB and was there to freeze assets before they even shut down on Friday. That gives them the weekend to arrange advances to uninsured depositors, which is most of them. Both Silvergate and SVB were servicing relatively volatile, high-risk sectors, so it might or might not have serious ripple effects to the rest of the economy.

As far as what’s the best idea right now, I have no fucking idea. :stuck_out_tongue: Everyone else seems to be very confused, and things are happening pretty fast. Somehow ETH being declared a security in an end-around and a proposal to place a punitive tax on energy used for crypto mining for the terrible crime of being crypto mining aren’t even close to the biggest stories…

So yeah, I dunno. I usually stay away from shorting and put options in general; if you’re going to mess around with them, I’d say short-duration is safer than long. Probably less profit too, but less chance of getting caught seriously on the wrong side of the market.


Man…I would love to chill and smoke with you…lol.

My crypto wallet is pumping! Found a 3x leverage financial bear etf (FAZ) and scored some gains over the last few trading sessions. Haven’t touched the options on wealthsimple…too scared to pull the trigger…learning the Greeks and this and that a bit more before going full port on some puts…lol…jk


Almost time to snag some TECS?
Will probably grab some BIG again before earnings Thursday…another 25% gap up? If er is good, hoping it could be the catalyst to drive it back to $20…company has over $150mm to do stock buyback…still heavily shorted, and, and, and. Pull a carvana move!
Done shilling my shit for now…lol

Alright, boys. Still holding my largest position in BIG. It has been co firmed that Michael Burry (the big short movie) has taken a $2,000,000 position. Ho…ly…shit. LFG!!!