Giesel Clone Only

She probably deserves her own thread since this cut gets around. I have her from FarmerJoe420 and she seems alittle finicky. I only ran her once but she was not happy with the feed strength I was giving her compared to the other ladies in the tent. Anyone have any insights if she is a more heavy feeder or a more light feeder?


I ain’t got much for ya, but…
If ya put “Giesel” in the search bar, you’ll come up with a few threads where people have grown it.
Probably going to have to do some reading to try and find that particular information though. :wink:
Best of luck!

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LOL okay…I’ll be nice and just say that I’ve already searched and read plenty on here. The info out there is mostly people running this cut along with a bunch of other cuts so there is pretty limited info available SPECIFICALLY about Giesel. Its a pretty widely spread around cut so it made sense to me to consolidate grow information in a central thread.


I am very interested in this grow, never got the chance to grow this strain. Can’t wait to see this grow. Will definitely be pulling up a chair and enjoying the show

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You had mentioned the first one you grew had some issues. Did the problems start around the 2nd to 3rd week after flip?

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I have a mother of her. To what I have to judge against she’s a light to medium feeder.

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I can’t exactly recall the timing when things started going south with her. It sounds right that it started early in flower but I just gave a good inspection on the mom who is getting the same strength as all the other moms and she is looking pretty awful too lol. So it looks like whatever situation I am having with her exists also in veg.

Thanks for the info! I think my plan of action for the first adjustment is going to be feeding her a lower EC formula then the rest of the girls. She is in coco so I will just flush her out till runoff with the lower EC strength and see how she responds.


It is not a dangerous experiment to raise the milliliters of Cal Mag by 1/2ml each feeding till you find the level that strain likes. Some strains require extra calcium and magnesium under LEDs and flowering. Each time my plants need water they are also fed and given a Cal Mag supplement. In veg 2-3ml / gallon through the second week of flowering. In week three I bump that to 3.5 - 5ml / gallon. Most plants are happy in the 3.5 - 4ml range per gallon but once in awhile you’ll have a plant that requires a higher dose in the 4.5 - 6ml range. And balancing the PH of the watering / feeding liquid is recommended to be sure it’s not way off.


been runnin the fj cut a few years, big vigor ez cloner n crazy roots, medium hungry. opposite of picky.