GingerSnap's Bonsai Cannabis Garden

A lot of plants don’t go cloudy or the stereotypical version that you would think, just clear to various shades of amber, also looking at the plant as a whole and what its doing helps shapes when to harvest.

If she isn’t throwing out any new calyx’s and pistils or very few just at the tips, and has stopped growing and as you say already has some ambers, could and looks to be done or close… also being an auto and im just gonna guess here i presume it was an advance seeds gelato 33 they list it as a 70-80day strain which puts you right in that zone.

Any circulation fans within the tent ? or just the exhaust and also asked by @ShiskaberrySavior what light cycle were you running.


Most everything has been said, if you got your temp and rh in check now and whatever else sorted then the damage may be done but the old leafs wont recover and look normal ever again. It looks like some really nice bud, the leafs will probably be fading soon too as it comes to the end of its life.


@Seamonkey84 that cabinet grow sounds very interesting. I can’t imagine growing in a small space. My 4x2x6 feels small to me… How did you deal with smell?

Speaking of smell. Maybe 3 weeks or so ago. I went downstairs to do my morning open tent thing. I usually sit on a stool in front of it. As usual my cat was there. Has shown interest in what I’m doing but doesn’t care about plants. Well I think I must of been reading a defoliation thread the night before. So I’m thinking there must be some leaves at the very bottom that can go. So instead of picking up the plant taking it to my work table and using fiskers. I decide to just use my thumbnail. So I reach under plant and pop off a small leaf. The cat was under my stool. I was pulling my hand out. At that moment the cat launched herself at my plant! I caught her face in my hand. I’m thinking psycho wtf is your deal? So I tell her no. I start to push her away. Suddenly I am overwhelmed by this smell. OMG what is that? I can not describe it. It’s not flowery, it’s not spicy, it’s not sweet. It’s not any words I have. My thumb nail bumped a bud. I smell my thumbnail. Good God. I almost fall off my stool. So I get up grab the plant and put it on my lazy susan on work table. Then I wonder where the cat went. I look to the left and down on the floor. Nope. Then I look to my right. She is as high as she can get and as close to me as she can get. Her toes are hanging of the table and she has a hungry determined look on her face.

The smell has continued to increase. Yesterday after I was done louping. I just stood there breathing in that smell. I think it’s the most amazing smell ever. But I think it kinda burns my eyes a little. When that happens I just close my eyes and keep smelling.

It’s not just me right?

Ok let’s get back to growing.

@mrsparkle yes, I have two 6" fans.

Today’s numbers

Lows: tent- 68° 51% room- 68° 56%

High. tent- 77° 65% room- 73° 67%

I’m getting these kind of numbers since I did a 6" and a 4" flexible tube for intake. 6" on out but it’s wide open.

Do my intake and out all need to be 6"?

Now I have some negative pressure that I don’t understand.

How do I filter the air going in?

Seeing cat hair while I’m louping makes me insane. I pick it off with tweezers and hiss each time it touches the bud.

With the new flow of air it drys out my fabric pots faster huh?

I got no clue on watering. I use rain water that also doubles as my mosquito kill zone. I ph down with vinegar. Usually 6.2- 6.5 ish. Sometimes 6.66 perfect for devil’s lettuce. If the pot feels light I water until it feels heavy without run off.


@Bob13 thanks

@Mr.Sparkle hey! Could you like just come over and look at my plant?

That would be awesome.

I will go look at her. I will look for new calyx’s and pistols. What else should I note?

That’s a beautiful cat! As for how I dealt with smell, I didn’t directly, just one of those ionic air purifiers for the room, and I smoked in the room anyway. Luckily I ended up with some very low odor strains, didn’t smell anything until I stuck my nose up to it or physically messed with the plants. One was a cutting I got from a friends bag seed plant, then the one that replaced it was a NL of some sort that barely had odor. I don’t remember if it’s a cross or if I had the original :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:, it was a gift and that was 12 or so years ago.

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Thanks. She’s a mess. I’ve had siamese since childhood. Love them. Little babble mouths.

My first grow was a northern light big bud. I don’t remember a whole lot of smell.

I wish you could smell this Gelato.

I’ve done aquariums for 30 yrs. I wanna call you brine shrimp. Lol

I just noticed your avatar is a puffer. Love puffers. But freshwater puffers. I don’t do salt water just fresh.


I hear you on the brine shrimp lol. I’ve kept fish for 25+ years, been working at a pet store, running the fish department for the last 10. Saltwater is more expensive, needs more time to get going, and a bit of daily watering with the feeding. But in the long run, it’s much more rewarding with the biodiversity and the corals. Though since having a child to take care of, I couldn’t rebuild my reef tank after a power outage killed one of my pumps, and I watched as my corals just melt over two days. Now I’ll just play at work until the kids are older.
I spent more on this one ten gallon nano reef in 7 years than prob all my freshwater keeping combined… RIP. Yes my mini grow with plants transferred over to mini reef tanks after lol.
With both blue and white LEDs on

Just the white LEDs

Now I have a 3x3x6ft tent, feels big but I let my plants veg too long :rofl:


Nice very nice. Purculas? I remember when they came out with all the color morphs. What are your’s ?

I started out at a pet store in Washington state. Washington has a huge love for aquatics. Undoubtedly because of the shit weather. I survived 9 years there because of pot and fish. Lol

Hubby was military so we’d move about every 2 1/2 to 3 yrs.

We did 3 years in Missouri. Omfg my first summer and my first experience of humidity. One day it was 96° and 96% humidity. Which was 116° based on my Reptomin chart. I packed up my kid and told my husband. Fuckin outta here. Going home. So I left and the kid and I drove back to Colorado. I swear there was a force field on the Kansas border. Once I got into Kansas the humidity was livable. Jefferson City was not pleasant. But Columbia was a great town.

I’m not showing you my tanks. They are neglected and look it. I have a 6" severum, 3 Cory cats, 3 cherry barbs in a 70. Severum’s name is Cheese. Cheese does not allow live plants in the tank. So the tank looks empty. He uproots fake plants. I also have a bush fish in a 20long I’m moving him to a 55.

I see your powerheads. I bought two of those. I was going to put one in my water bucket downstairs. I keep a small heater in it. I thought maybe the water circulating would heat more efficient.

Now the other powerhead I thought would be awesome in the bathtub making the warm water swirl around.

I’m sure I was high when I thought this would be a good idea. So I open the box. Hubby wants to know what I got so I tell him one for the bucket one for the tub. He says does it plug in? Seriously dude POWERhead. Yes it fucking plugs in.

He put his foot down and said no. He rarely says no. So later it made sense. Lol

This LED stuff is new to me. I’m used to fluorescent 4 footers and CFL.

There’s a learning curve on led and tent. It just makes me sad that my ignorance costs me wasted seeds and time.


Close, those are the “false” percula, the ocellaris species. They are The Wyoming white morph, vs the platinum morph of the percula. As for the power head in the tub, just as much risk sticking your hand in the tank with it running, but I get it lol.
LEDs like the ones I’m using are practically interchange with CFL, only a lot more efficient and grow bigger buds. but you do need to keep them a few inches away and not let them touch the bulb.
But if you want to start down the road, check out this awesome thread
Or skit to towards the end to see what people have come up with over the years

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@GingerSnap. Yeah MO summers can be brutal!! Lived here all my life, so we just complain about it every summer!:crazy_face::joy:

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I put 2 6" hoses for intakes on both my tents. Then I covered them all with my wifes knee high panty hose. Gets a good amount of air and catches all the hair.


@Mr.Sparkle There’s new growth and pistils . I’ve been doing 18/6.

@Seamonkey84 Your tank is beautiful. You think there’s more biodiversity in salt?

@Joker you have my sympathy. I’m still in the south. I think here is still the same flavor of humidity as there. I think it’s wrong that you should almost need a machete to cut through the ground level cloud just to walk. Dry heat is my friend. Lake of the Ozarks had a store called Richard’s relic shack. I found some of the coolest stuff there.

@PGT710. YES!!! THANK YOU! Totally forgot about those. I have used them in aquaria before. I’m using cheese cloth. Not impressed. Lol


Very nice my friend great job
I sometimes dry a small bud to test if not sure of readiness


@Papalag I dunno. Compared to my other 2 this one no look so good to me.

Why are there yellow and brown spots. Looks like shit. Is that normal or part of the “you overheated your plant” package deal?

Do I trim that off later?


@Papalag So I would pop off a small part and how would I dry it?

Then just smoke it?

I’m sorry if I sound obtuse. I hesitate on most things if I’m unsure. I believe that when in doubt, don’t.

Those crunchy taco leaves just make me want to cry.


Your plant is looking beautiful (and delicious :yum:).

It’s not all just fish and critters that you knowingly put in. When you get good “live rock” (the biofilter) many critter that were growing or living in it from the ocean will make it into your tank. Everything from amphipods, worms, sponges, corals, crabs. Plus all the corals you can put in yourself. If you look closely at that pic, the only bare rock you really see is that one on the left with the young giant clam sitting on it. All the branching pieces and flowery dots of color, and thing sitting on the sand bed are live corals. I didn’t put a fish into that tank for the first 4 or 6 months even thought it was ready by the second month, I had fun just watching the wild hitchhikers that came with the rock. Though there are good and bad hitchhikers, most crabs are too aggressive. Here is the tank before the corals grew and covered the rocks.

Another tank I had


It’s beautiful.

Mantis shrimp. :roll_eyes:

I love my python. Had it since 1990. Major game changer.


No pics of her, but I did have a 3” mantis shrimp in its own little tank.
I’d imagine a python would be handy to have, they may even be helpful with a hydro system if you keep it clean between uses.


Clean you say?

Mine is pretty dirty. Can’t get all the water out. I’ve given much thought on how to clean it.

What’s your take on the brown and yellow bits on my plant?

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Today is a great day to water!

We are winning the war on fuckity fuck fuck fucking fungus gnats.

Special thanks to @Muleskinner for mentioning it in a post and making the eradication possible.

Death to fungus gnats!!