Happy Man's:Jillybean-Fem Photo (closed)under Mars hydro Smart FC6500 Light

I would not trust the info given there. It lists “Jillybean” as part of this breeder’s crosses but shows the TGA Subcool genetics while I guess we can assume they will have used their own “Jillybean” which according to the package in this thread is different.


It’s definitely BCS. If you look at the B in jillybean and the S in sativa, it’s the same symbol.


I must say @G-paS that The Happy Man’s Jillybean does sound very tasty and nice!


Time will tell! It says Grapefruit but when I found it as a parent from Happy man It said orange. I was trying to find the site that it was listed as Happy Man Jilly bean Regular.
All the new ones, I found are Fem. It says the Mz Jilly was never brought out a a Fem.

Three for three so far.

I really did not expect these to germ with all the mailing and time passing out of fridge before they made a home in mine.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Good luck with this run @G-paS

Sending the good vibes :seedling:



Thank You sweetie!


Well it’s definitely not the Jilly Bean from MzJill TGA but it still sound like an interesting cross. Good to see you got some germination. Best of luck with your run @G-paS :v:

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That is what I found.


I know we’re not supposed to be talking about the same strain, but I don’t think that sounds right. (?) maybe that was true at some point.

Mz Jill’s Jilly Bean is definitely sold as a S1 fem as well as regular.


Good luck :four_leaf_clover: with this run! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::four_leaf_clover::peace_symbol::sunglasses:

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One day I found this on my door stoop!

This is what I found inside.

This is a @MarsHydro Smart FC6500 Light.
I have had an eye on a folding 4X4 to replace the sole strip that messed up last run.
This light even came with cool stickers.
The packaging was great.

Thank You so much @coda and MsCoda :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:The light :fairy:t4: :fairy:t4:

I am trying to decide about the one flower tent I will be using this in. I bought the same model for a replacement tent as the first 4.5 X 4.5 My selves fit perfect in the old one.
The replacement pole were for a 135 X 135 cm tent. The tent cover is a 4 X 4. So now I have to decide if I want to try another replacement zipper or try for another tent.
I am finding items items listed in standard English measurement actually being standard metric measurements.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Nice LED. Xmas came early this year. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


I noticed when I looked This information is the same on all the Jilly Beans, rather a F2, S1 or a X. Looks like most have been fem’ed now. The poor lady lost everything she had in a fire and had to start over.
:green_heart: :green_heart:


Sounds delicious, @G-pas ! Look at those happy healthy tails! The best of luck to you, my sister! :green_heart:


You are so welcome.

You do so much for the community, we wanted to find a way to say thank you :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see how the Jillybean’s turn out. She’s been on Mrs. Coda’s list for awhile now.


I never said it was MzJill’s Jilly Bean. This is Happy’ Man JIllybean Regular as stated in the title. I guess I don’t need to grow this one but as I committed to Sebring I will.?
I hope those who need it get it.


So the difference of where someone buys the seeds changes what the seeds are? Title never said her Jilly Bean so i cant see how it’s deceptive…unless happyman decided to mix two random things and call it that (which i doubt) but also, its still just weed…

Thank you for getting these out to people @G-paS, please continue the work.


I say grow them out. I mean you have the seeds already, why not? It is a weird name to steal though, because her name is Jill and she created a super fruity strained and named it JillyBean. Pretty popular one too.


I wouldn’t call it deceptive either. I do think it’s a shame that Happy Man decided to use such a well known strain name for his unrelated cross. Its bound to confuse those not paying attention but folks don’t own strain names. The cross is clearly listed on the package so nobody could say they were deceived and @G-paS posted the pack in OP for all to see.


Perhaps he was just being funny with two common terms for female masturbation 🤷🏻 “jilling off” and “flicking the bean”? Who really knows

Or at the least, I think I’m funny :laughing: