Hashstash Jellybean Contest

753 jellybeans i wish i could eat!

Ist it just one pack of Starburst jellybeans?

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lmao, I too googled how many beans are in a 14oz pack

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Haha ähm… Yes :smiley:

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542 is my 2nd attempt

333 and ten

488 jellybeans
26 for wade boggs ?

350 jellybeans
#9 Ted Williams

220 jellybeans

232 Jelly beans!!!

111 beans!!

why was the post flagged` what happened with the contest?

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I don’t know if Mr. Joe closed it.

:roll_eyes: :dizzy_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: N E 1 Up :kissing_cat:

What’s up now? The post as flagged by someone but isn’t closed. Is this still up or what’s the deal now?


ya just some haters but please guess away bro good luck…

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Then I say 240 jelly beans :smiley:
Is it just one pack or more?

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When you pay for the materials and time you can do it your way but as of right now how fucking hard is it to sit on your ass and type a number from 1 to 1001.


101 jellybeans I say!

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I will say I believe its less than 300