Hashstash Jellybean Contest

There is 420 beans

192 jelly beans!


I’ll win!

I am sorry if any of my posts rubbed anyone wrong` not my intention at all. When the contest closes I would like to donate my winnings to the next qualified US member that receives their first “respected badge” after the close of contest. Is there a way to do this @LemonadeJoe ??? Peace :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I’m pretty sure you can just check this page: Overgrow.com

New badge will appear there soon… There are timestamps too…


Cool that is what we will do after close of contest. @HashstasH you down with that brother??? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

That banner looks badass on your page!!!

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Thanks much bro Y don’t you want your prizes?

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I would like to offer them to the first respected earner after the close. I will make sure they are US and want them. If they don’t then the next and so on. I have access to way more than I need. I also live in the Willamette Valley our nurseries have 100’s of clones all year round. Someone will use and need them more than me. I just killed my last plants by seed putting them out early. So I’m turning my back on seeds. These local nurseries have teams of pheno hunters. Clones baby!!! My outdoor will post by June 1 3 strains 2 clones of each Blueberry Muffin, Indiana Bubblegum, Blackberry Fire Peace

Cole do you live in the us or Can?

Oregon and I don’t` I crossed one time 2006 wildberry (ndguys) with a critical hashplant female called it FYU f**k you Up.

I am a partial paraplegic` my outdoor grows a pretty cool mobility garden.


I lived in spokane wa for 12 years lol


Sweet man!!!

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199 beans!

Bellingham/ Whatcom County for 10. Had a bunch of friends from Spokane. Beautiful country!


298 jellybeans

#5 Garnett


205 jellybeans!!

Game Update

Here below are 25 randomly drawn computerized scrambled numbers 1 through 1001 and who ever copies this pic and puts an X across the correct Number will Win the Jellybean Count Contest.

The correct number must be X’ed across the entire circled correct number and upload it back here and this is what you will win. I purchased 6 of these from beautiful @Bobgrows .

Good Luck Members

Manufactured Exclusively by @Bobgrows


Take this pic Cross your number choice (1 Number) Resubmit the Pic

You can snap a pic on your phone and send it in ,

If you X’ed the correct number Wins, 1st Come 1st serve and Winner is Selected.