Hola, me llamo toto, cultivo ya hace 5 6 años en hps y este es mi primer cuarto armado con leds full espectro, y tengo dudas sobre mi nutricion, consejos?

Your plants look fine to me but chasing perfect plants isn’t my growing style.

its minimum a feaw leaves in all the plants, im in day 5 of flowering using all canna coco exept b52 n budcandy advance.
i read some and delta 9 help me with this shit

thanks, i dont chasing perfection, i only dont want lack

Do you have a scope or jewelry loop to look under your leaves

sure i got it

I would look under the leaves and see if you have any pests

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loock perfect to me, I already had a red spider mite and I am fighting it in my vege but there are no spots or traces of red mites around here


It’s really important to make it drain, you need 15/20% run off with coco each feed.

Your plants look a bit dark what ec are you feeding?

If you run 1.0ec through your pot and measure the run off ec it’ll be high without run off and that burns plants.

Let us know what the run off ec is if you don’t mind?

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im feeding 1.6 right now

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That sounds fine but if your not feeding to run off the ec could be anything.

The water evaporates through the leafs leaving the nutrient concentrated (especially in hot/dry environment) and needs to be rinsed or diluted hence the need for run off.

You might be thinking it’s been fine without run off, if that’s the case it’s only ever temporary.

1st I’d run weak nutrient say 1.0ec through the pot and measure the run off ec?

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my room is at 27 degrees and about 65% humidity, don’t worry that my ventilation is evaporating too much and thus food is remaining in the coco, tomorrow i make a run off n i gona see if i have saturation of nutrients


if its minimal I wouldn’t worry too much about it…

you seem to have your PH in check but always double check your work.

It shouldn’t be a lock out in my mind as long as your ph is good, you’re watering with some run off, and following Canna’s regimen. I don’t know what their specifics are but for me with athena I’m running at 2.5ec and I water once daily.

Since you’re early in flower demand will increase and it didn’t look like any of your new growth was affected. Meaning one of your mobile nutes is lacking in my opinion and its also not an excess you have no tip burn from what I can see.

Just my thoughts… hope you get it sorted and where you want to be! Good luck!

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thanks my g i gona do that, blessupp

I am going to go with windburn and possibly over dried media


This is happening to me since a fan burned out and I put a new one on, 3 days have passed and this appeared

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I want seeds from wherever you are at

bro, the pheno that I have I bought from onie seeds, it is from a package of mixed seeds, they are all crosses with tropicanna cookies but it is not orange-flavored as we know, the pheno that I have has the smell and flavor of cookies with cream and not I know how to recommend a phenotype since we found this one by chance


Están de puta madre…

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al fin alguien que habla español aleluya !!!

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Hay más gente coleguita…