Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Yeah right now, as it stands, the stem rub on these cuts are different than the TK I’ve known for the last couple years. Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt though. They’ve only been on my feed for 3 weeks or so. Maybe they were on something totally different than jacks or maxibloom before they came to me and thats why the weird/different smell. IDK. Leaf’s make me wonder too but so far it’s all 3s and 5s still so can only wait and see.


What for exactly? :thinking:
I use a calcium hypochlorite solution spray to disinfect all the things. And I use it in my reservoirs and such too. But I don’t spray the plants with it :thinking:


Let me see if I can find the pdf


sneaks back to edit calicum to cobalt

tk reversal.pdf (1.6 MB)




Ah! Yeah I’ve had that pdf for a long time now :wink: have the cobalt too. A buddy is currently beating me to it ^^


Excellent! Just wanted to make sure it was out there


Ahh, makes sense. Hoping it’s what you’re looking for! I will say that it’s possible that the picture I posted isn’t actually a 7 leaflet. It’s really hard to tell from the angle it’s taken at - and it’s the only one I saw in all of my pictures from last run that seem like it could be a 7 fingered leaf. It may be an adjacent leaf twisting nearby in this area. The size of the leaf where it would meet the stem seems off and doesn’t taper off - as if it’s not connected to that leaf.


I’ll do a better job documenting next run when I grow a few more of them out and will post a ton of shots of any leaves with more than 5 blades if I see them.

I checked the TK moms after our posts (I have about a half a dozen - all in poor shape haha) and they have 3-5 fingers across the whole plant with no 7s. They are taking me on average 1-2 weeks longer than other cuttings to root - I’d say my average right now has been about 30 days in Rapid Rooters / Root Riots. They also are pretty finicky and get stressed out quickly in my tents.

The camera used seems to give the buds a different look as well - Phone pictures look a bit more “normal” to me


Those pics definitely look like her, and that sounds like her. Definitely might’ve been the camera angles in those other pics. I thought we had the same one this whole time. But definitely no 7 bladed leaf’s here on my original TK.


No new pics for now but I’ve tossed a few more plants. Mostly StarShine. Another TF or two. No C5SS yet. Up-potted one of the what-looks-like ‘TK’ cuts and stuck it into flower. Gonna let the other one and the 92 OG get a bit bigger before taking all the cuts while I wait. Will start topping and cloning the veg plants soon and flip to flower. Outside of the C5SS, I’m not sure I got any males I want. Not much for TK-ness coming out of this round of TriForce either. Almost all of them look like Kryptonite. Probably start more seeds soon.


I can’t quote from the Part One thread, but of course that freak C5SS is a female. Guess you’ll be forced to flower her out now… Can’t wait! Haha.

Just as an aside, I haven’t been blazing much lately (for my own reasons… haha), but when I have, the only thing I’ve been smoking is that #3 Cheese Haze. It is so. Fucking. GOOD. Smoked some last night and was just like,”Yes… This is where it’s at…” haha. I really need to start getting into the other stuff and checking them out, but I just don’t want to haha.

I still wanna wait a while to write the smoke report, just because I do think she needs to cure for another couple weeks. The flavor’s lacking big-time, but I don’t really care about that. I’m kinda curious to see if another couple weeks in jars’ll bring something out, though. As it is right now, she’s wayyyyyy up high on the top of my “Favorite Strains Ever” list, doesn’t matter to me if she ever tastes like anything.




Alright… Made a bunch of decisions last night.

Got three nice looking StarShine F2’s and 2 totem pole runts.

Kind of the same deal with the TriForce :thinking: Two decent ones and two totem pole runts there too.

None of the runts have shown anything yet.

The three big SS F2’s reek like mom on the stem rub. LOUD spicy/acrid type scent.

Got the leaf crinkle :white_check_mark:
The dinner plate sized leaves :white_check_mark:
Some double serrations :white_check_mark:
Correct Stem rub :white_check_mark:

Hopefully be good. I think there’s one male in those too ^^

For the C5SensiStar and other TriForce

That’s what we got left. I think these 3 TF might be the ticket. There is 1 male, the right-front plant of the 3 TF in here, and the other two are female. The male and one female smell identical to TK on the stem rub, and the other girl smells like that 92 OG.

I have found some wild stem rubs in the C5SensiStar F4’s :eyes:
One pair(m/f) has a definite Chocolate smell on the stem rub. Smells just like that chocolatey scent in the matt berger bubba kush flowers. I also found another pair that smells like unripe banana’s. And then a few with the spicy kinda scent I was lookin for originally. I’m pretty sure I tossed the quadrafoliate plant. It was a male with a light scented stem rub, almost cologne-y, but was super fasciated, even the side branches were doing it. Between those few things, just not worth keeping or looking at imo. Can’t run everything so have to make some choices. The TriFoliate plant tho, was also a male, and that one has the chocolate stem rub :drooling_face:


Man, I’ve been looking for true banana terps forever! Go figure


Yeah we’ll see if any of the flowers end up coming out anything like it. I doubt it but :man_shrugging: you never know.


Hell yeah! I figured she might be from early on :partying_face:

Yeah! and by agreeing with ‘other stuff’, I mean, the other two LCH :joy:
Seriously though, I DO wanna hear about everything for sure! But now I’m most interested in how the #4 compares to the #3, and how both are against the #2. I’d wager the #2 is gonna wanna have you more on the couch than the other two.

Yeah flavor is one of the last things I care about unless its just nasty. Like that Skunk Tangerine grown with salts :face_vomiting: The High and the Effects are what I care about. Still kinda sad tho! Some of those LCH, and the mom especially, were really fucking tasty!

And from here it sounded like she was smelling good while you had her growing too. Sounded like the mom really with the sweet creamy scents. So hopefully it does come out more after some time in the jars :thinking: :pray:

That’s awesome! I’m glad you found something in there that you liked! :relaxed: Glad it was worth running for ya. You did a great job growing them out and I appreciate the time and all the pics and info. Glad someone else was able to find a plant in there they liked as much as the one I found in there and it wasn’t just me :sweat_smile:


Hello! Not sure it really needs said, but everything’s looking great. This round of tk is especially nice. I’m here mostly to ask if you ever got around to growing out the Emperor Haze IX from santero. Didn’t find too much here but recently got a pack and am pretty excited about getting into it.


Should’ve told me, I’ve got some banana punch x Mac and cheese

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Ah, I ran 5 of the Meridian Haze, not the Emperor Haze. I have more Meridian and a pack of the Emperor but I haven’t gotten to them yet.

Emperor Haze is the step before the Meridian. It’s C5Haze x Jack Herer. And the Meridian is C5Haze x Emporer Haze.

In just those 5, I honestly found a bunch of jack/skunk leaners and not much of the haze I was looking for. I think a couple threw balls a few weeks into flower and I tossed the last one in the cleanup.

Hoping to start more before too long tho.


Speaking of Jack @HolyAngel

Have you found a decent jack seedline?