How to wire an inexpensive thermostat

Contributed by: Bud63

This inexpensive thermostat allows you to set the upper temperature limit of your grow room by activating exhaust blowers, fans, etc. This faq details how to add a power bar to the thermostat to run several fans, blowers, etc.
Note: most grounded power bars are able to handle up to 15amps.

I found this thermostat control in the attic ventilation fan section at Lowes for $10.64US. I have mine hooked up to a squirrel cage fan to vent the grow space.

Buy a quality power bar, preferably with several 3 prong grounded plugs. This will allow you to run multiple fans off the single thermostat unit.

How to wire up the thermostat:

a.) Pop open the box by prying the sides out slightly while pulling up on the top cover.

b.) Solder the lines (Make sure to let them cool).

c.) Wire nut the ends after soldering

d.) Image of all the wires (just to give you a feel for where the wires lead). Note: click on image to enlarge.

Take the one side of the plug wire and wire it into one side of the thermostat. Attach the other side of this wire to one side on the 3 wire outlet. Then you have just one wire to deal with. The other wire on the 3 outlet wire goes to the other wire from the thermostat.

Make sure you have good connections. Tape over your wire nuts as a final safety measure (soldered and taped, or with maretts).

d). Pop the cover back on.

e.) That’s it! Mount the unit on the wall securely (Make sure you install it about halfway up the wall in your room for the most accurate reading), dial in your temperature, plug the thermostat into the wall, and hook up your fans/blower(s).

Note: it takes a little fine tuning to get the temp. just right. It works with about a 5 degree variance. If you want 80F, set it for 75.