Introduce yourself @OG Vol. 1

Hey GMan, you can’t go wrong Haydel’s Bakery, international shipping too!

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Awesome, I figured you would know. I’m bookmarking them. I haven’t had one in a good long while. I used to have them shipped to me. Nothing better than a really good one. Some people have no clue, but the real ones, wow. Thank you!

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Hey OG I just wanted to introduce myself
I have a love for weed since my first smoke at 18… a little late compared to others but I was a child of the just say no era. I have been a grower for a while now something I have always been afraid to mention on forums until now. I have always read posts but never interacted with anyone. Hopefully this will be the start.


Welcome to the Overgrow, @Souljah1. Glad you’ve made it out of the shadows. Plenty of likeminded and friendly folk here. :+1:


Welcome, bro. Enjoy it here. Lots of great people and awesome growers.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Cyberax’s Garden

Yeah seeing the privacy policy here is a massive reassurance and also the encryption on my phone and VPN ease my mind a little.


Thanks for the welcome I have enjoyed both outdoor and indoor growing. But because of the climate outdoor is extremely unforgiving for anything that isn’t sativa.


Welcome @General_Zod @October_King @Souljah1 @Cyberax

Good people here. Glad you guys found the site. :v:


hello fellow lovers of the plant , ive just joined after growing for around 2 decades grown too may to name .

just wanted to say hi to all . i grow in soil bag brought use minimal feeds and seem to grow some quite nice flowers every now and again.


Welcome to OG, @thecatfish! Please share some growing endeavours with us…


ok so i grew my first plant i 97 it was a total failure fuck know what i didn`t do to that plant .

after killing several seedlings i met a old grower who showed me the basics .

he died a couple of years after that . ive grown 100`s of types of cannabis .

from old sensi stock to breders boutique and all inbetween . been robbed twice

used to do a bit a naughty stuff but i stay well clear nowdays.

ive been supplying myslef now for over a decade . been pure since then too. i love it bro here to learn and hopefully make some buddies


Welcome @thecatfish @General_Zod @Souljah1 @Cyberax !


many thanks lads love the ricky pic man


Welcome to the site. Glad to have ya. :v:


Welcome new comers. This is a very chill spot with lots of friendly, helpful peeps


^^^^^^ What they all said!!! …:robot: :muscle:


Hi, I’m a french guy exiled to Barcelona to grow weed.
I’m a 33 yo freelance developer, started growing about 15 years ago, and after a few years off growing, I realized I had nothing to do in a country that could separate me from my wife and kids for a simple plant growing in my apartment, so we all moved 1 year ago.

What I love the most are stealthy micro grows (I’m also an R/C plane model maker, so I guess that’s linked;) ), I think I like that even more than smoking actually^^
So I’d say my main goal is to find the most casual way to grow weed, no one should pay $10 a g for a dried plant that can be so easily home-grown in a sufficient quantity.

Thanks @LemonadeJoe for the website, I’ve heard only good about it:)


Hello @stant! Barcelona looks like place to go in Europe! :slight_smile: Pretty liberal when it comes to cannabis growing…
Thanks for kind words!


Welcome @stant! You made the right move in my humble opinion. I did the same thing here in the US. I left one very oppressive state for one that is completely legal, and only a few hundred miles away. I’ve never felt so free in all of my life, and I’ll never look back. I bet you will be no different. Prayers and vibes for you and your family in the big move.

You’ll find so many helpful people here and it will make it all the more fun and successful, too. Enjoy! peace