Is my FPE good or bad?

Silly question here. I made an FPE with some dandelions from my lawn (No pesticides are used on my lawn :wink:). I pulled my dandelions early in the morning and put my material in a cheese cloth bag. I added some homemade LAB mixed with molasses to water. I let it sit in a bucket for 3 weeks now. When I checked the bucket the other day there seems to be some mold that built up on the top. Is this batch no good now?


Can’t help with your concoction, but just passing by to say dandelions are beyond nutricious.

My grandparents made wine out of it too :grin:


I have a batch going atm and I’ve done alot of ferments. If it gets fuzzy, it’s mold. If it looks yeasty that’s normal, especially since you added LAB serum.

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At 3 weeks into the ferment, you should have a sweet/sour aroma. If it smells funky, then I would personally toss it and start over. I made some fish emulsion using pureed fresh caught salmon and trout scraps, I had a massive yeast cake on top that looked like mold at first, but got this brain like texture to it and that was normal. I also added LABS, no sugar. It took 2 months to finish and stunk to high hell at first, but went sweet/sour for the finish and clarified. Had a clear separation of liquid from solids.

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Yea it def has a sweet/sour smell to it. But that film on the top threw me off. Does pH determine when the ferment is ready? Or should you be going by the look/smell?

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Wow those are some scary looking pictures as I don’t know anything about what you are doing. Best of luck with your science experiments :test_tube:. I myself would be scared to pour that on my plant 🪴 just to apprehensive to do that.:peace_symbol:

A complete ferment will achieve a final pH of 3 or 4.