(complete) Jalisco :Mexico: Landrace Co-op Seed Run

just signed up, just read temp closed :rofl: damn

:evergreen_tree: you said the magic word


Naw man, it’s not the sign ups, it’s the users. They need to slow down and read through the Co-op docs. There is a clear doc on wiki etiquette. Another one on how to sign up noting that if you sign up others both names will be removed. If folks want to enjoy the Co-op’s they need to take the 5 min out and read the do’s and don’ts.


The random generator is open we are closing the master sign up list to edit.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Abuse of leader powers :joy:


Man, you live in a better place than me to grow this lillies :seedling:, you can take my spot if you’re not lucky in the draft … beer3|nullxnull

Edit: Wooooooot! icon_e_surprised|nullxnull If you use your super-powers my offer goes to @Oldtimerunderground:joy:


I have moved that sign up to it’s own post so it won’t get buried. You should sign up for the draw for the open spots @cannabissequoia


Will do, sorry for anyone that was confused

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Its Cryptic Labs Oaxaca. Depending on when i sent them to you or if you requested i may have sent seed from only the tall stretchy plants, or only the short ones, but normally grabbed a few seeds from each plant i grew. Turpentine/ Pine is common in this line. So is mint, incense/ Frankincense


Thanks for posting this, Doug… even though I was fairly certain I had read that Regular Emeritus people still qualified as Regulars for the purpose of the Co-op sign-ups in the back of my head I’m always second guessing myself on that point.


Not to get too off subject but is there a way to track what level your at and how close to next level? Is there a thread I’m missing or that something a mod needs to check

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Sorry to be dim, but can anyone explain to me how to put “Regular Emeritus” next to my username? I looked at my profile page but can’t quite figure it out.

Er, wait, no, I found it I think. Amazing what a simple search can do.


After going thru 194 edits. The list is complete before draw. Three open TL2 and Three open TL3 to be drawn.

:green_heart: :seedling:


In the preferences, under Title there is a drop down menu. Select from there


Thank you kindly!


I remember that now. Cryptic. Yeah, I may have had the smaller pheno. I did top them a little and left three in 2 gallon pots and the other two in a 5 and a 7 gal. Nothing seemed to want to stretch. I was a little surprised but happy at the fact that they would be easier to bring in the house later. Super easy to grow plants. Most sativa I’ve grown have been. The thought of growing them 7-8 years ago made me nervous, lol.


Hey, if worst comes to worst, I’ll share what I get. Just remind me if needed.

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The shorter phenos are easy indoors. The hard part is knowing whether you have a short one or a tall one. The short phenos should be grown in 5 gallon containers to get them big but if you put the tall phenos in a 5 gallon pot early you will have to share your living space with plants lol. The tall stretchy plants seem more feral, but are my favorite.:heart_eyes: you’ll surely find some if you grow any seed you made. You’re the 1st person I know of that found only short plants. How were they?


Man, i need to do this!

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This hasn’t happened to me yet…but I’m usually a little late to the party. How do I know if somebody else is editing the post?

I have been kicked off this list for supposedly signing up some other dude called @Skyf

I remember signing up twice, i mistakenly put my name on the trust level 2 instead of level 3 - so i edited it to me being on level 3 list, and someone had a look through the edits and they thought I’d signed up someone else …

I’m part of co-op action group and know the rules.
Can someone please show me where i signed up for this other member. … Mel, Doug, can either of you show me where i signed up for another member, thanks. ?!

Anyway good luck with this one @Pigeonman
Sending good vibes your way. :+1:.

Happy growing mate.