Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

Is that code for something…


Done did.
I hafta confess. Last night I stole a bud from the Blue Tara. Just a small one. Tiny. Temptation got the best of me.
Took three hits on that before bed. I was WAY wasted.
I finished that bowl this morning with coffee. Then I got busy and cleaned out my flower tent.
In other words. Great cannabis, even uncured. Only in the jars a couple weeks. Very happy with it.


It sounds like some early morning filth to me.

lol was supposed to be all about getting ready for the fray
back in the day

Hey! I’m outta likes! I knew I could do it!

I just got that nagger pop-up tellin me I only got a few left lol
OFW… lol looks like I’ll be robbing the Emoji like bank (again!) today

Yeah, I was also chatting with a good friend and Bruddah.

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This I knew. lol
But sometimes a cigar isn’t a cigar.


Is anyone pumped about this upcoming Solar eclipse? Rose is… I ain’t thinkin bout it much. lol seen one, seen em all

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There’s a joke in there but probably too political.

How can you see an eclipse? If it’s eclipsed… You can’t see it because it is… eclipsed.

There you go @BigMike55 . Not political but a joke nevertheless.

I just choked some kinda fierce lol

We all have seen solar eclipses, yes. But the majority have never seen a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. Only Partial. You have to be in the path of totality for the total thing. I understand its very rare and special. And the next time in the US is in like 2045 I will be gone by then. Am very interested in it and have been researching it for months.

Over the decades and around the world, in my life I’ve seen several partials and also complete. It’s not bad

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A total solar eclipse occurs in the same place on the planet once every 375 years, on average. I looked it up. Since I ain’t going to be anywhere but here, I’ll have a long wait.

Don’t get me wrong here, it IS a spectacular thing to watch. lol

We bought the glasses but they are calling for a cloudy day that day so I am not getting my hopes up.

Brother, I am BEYOND excited for this solar eclipse! I am lucky enough to live inside the path of totality, and fortunate to be able to take the day off work. I’ve never seen an eclipse in person. Last year I was glued to an online stream of the previous eclipse and it fascinated me even more than I thought it could.

I’ve heard that seeing a total eclipse can be an overwhelming experience. Nearly spiritual, even. Been looking forward to this day for a long, long time and every day I wake up more excited.
:earth_americas: :new_moon: :sun_with_face:


Yep I bought glasses for Rose n me too But we’ll just hope to see what we can see from the home here. It’s supposed to be partly cloudy here

Even if its cloudy you can experience some things associated with the eclipse. Not only does it become night time in the middle of the day, you may hear nocturnal insects getting very noisy. The "twilight will not just be in one place in the horizon. Its 360°. Animals and birds get confused and head to bed. I’m hoping for good skies. And a good stereo system to listen to Dark Side of the Moon.