Jones Organic Indoor Journal

Cold composting takes time. Keep watering the beds and feeding the microbes. This is also when I like to sow a cover crop.


Ah that’s probably my issue here the soils getting pretty dry


Yep got to keep the soil moist, or the bacteria die off a bit. I water my pots and keep them warm, even if nothing is being growing in them.


Me too, and sowing the clover helps remember to water. :rofl:


Got the ladies transfered over spread a few handfuls of the craft blend over the top before transplanting them will have a yard of oly mountain fish compost delivered Monday that I’m going to spread around as well. Starting from closest to furthest toofless alien, northern cheese haze, toof decay, and Skywalker only 3 of those made it but 4 of the rest each so total 15 plants


You have worms in your bed yet?


Yeah I added them back near the beginning of first grow. So I have to add more cover crop? I just assumed this one would keep its life cycle going?



I sow between harvests. Most of it dies off when flowering.


I don’t chop all my cover crops back much, I get so much leaf mulch from my plants as I grow them fairly big, I don’t really need to touch them at all. Once the clover gets a good root system, it will keep re growing so long as it has light and you remember to water it and the majority is still alive.


I ordered 50 lbs so I’ll be good for a while just in case and I’m waiting on a 14’ x 14’ storage barn lofted without loft going to try that 10’ x 10’ patch



You don’t mess about do you, better make that floor strong, that’s going to be a lot of weight in a small space.

Alfalfa is good, too good in fact lol, you can chop that of level with the soil, so long as there is a healthy root it will be growing again in a couple of weeks but it will start to overtake the pot.


Working towards my goal of a greenhouse from nexus I want to try and be ready for a chance at a recreational license for the state and yeah I’m sure everyone does but I figure with a greenhouse that puts me ahead by a lot over other people if I can produce consistent quality if not hell the black markets always open but indont want to worry anymore I want legal income besides these stocks I’m playing with anyways how good is alfalfa should I add it to my mix you think?



Well you got lots of different cover crops there atm, I dont think you would need it, it can also overload the soil with N as it does contain a lot. Might be why I am having to re build my soil atm as its got too hot with everything thing else I have added. Its finding a good balance and being patient and not panicking if you think you have deficiencies like I did waiting for stuff to break down like you are waiting on. I loaded up on nutrients, and then the mulch kicked in and it all went tits up :frowning:


Wondering if I should add more worms to my mix yesterday digging out the holes for the new pots the center was hard to dig into the edges were a little softer ut may just be because it’s looser around the edges I never used the pvc to hold its shape but I didn’t want to add to many worms and have them over populated I was reading they’ll continue to breed out until they fill there space they’re living in and idek if they like that oly mountain fish compost I tried emailing and asking but they never said anything back but it’s to late now its going in next week I just really hope they’ll like it :crossed_fingers:t2:



When you say oily is it a fish that contains a higher amount of oil or fish in oil?

I know worms dont like animal fat, not sure about fish that contain a higher oil concentration. Worms will stay in balance with their food source and amount, it wont take them long to get breeding if there is lots of food. ReikoX will probably have experience with fishy composts.


The Oly Mountain Fish Compost is compost made with fish scraps added. I didn’t find it to be fishy or oily, I thought it had quite a few sticks and twigs in it compared to the Malibu Biodynamic Compost.

Add more worms, it won’t hurt anything.


Ahh it’s Oly, not oily, fuck my eyes are getting worse :roll_eyes: every week I say must make an appointment with the optometrist, I broke my glasses 2 weeks ago, managed to find an old pair, not to scratched up, I have been wearing :dizzy_face:


Got the oly mountain fish compost down almost 30 gallons noticed a couple girls look overwatered I believe? I did give them water 2 days in a row and then a day or 2 after transplanting into the final bed


Cleaning up the compost brewer neighbors probably wondering wtf is that lol


Lady bugs stuck around its been 2 or 3 years now since I released a bunch and they come like crazy this time of year now never had any before it’s kind of cool but turning into an infestation