Jones Organic Indoor Journal

So do you like the Malibu compost over the oly mountain fish compost? It doesn’t smell fishy whatsoever but it does have a lot of twigs and bits in it found very minimal trash just mostly banana and orange stickers and piece of glass compared to miracle gro compost though this shit seems pretty good the miracle gro is trash :put_litter_in_its_place: I bought it a few years back trying to find compost and couldn’t find shit sat there and dug through it bag by bag for hours just pulling tons of plastic bits out


Looks a lot like the time I put too much soap in the washing machine .


I used both, diversity and all that, but mostly vermicompost… the bag of Malibu had more manure and less filler than the bag of Oly Mountain. Both smelled like good compost, nothing anaerobic or foul.


Cleaning up the backyard we had this pile of wood chips from a stump grinder sitting for 2 years shoveling it out found this wood decaying fungus Google says it’s harmless I added two chunks under some oly mountain fish compost in the tent maybe it’ll help decay some shit idk it says it grows in oxygen deprived areas so it may die


The worms will probably eat it anyway as well as the wood chips :slightly_smiling_face:


Update on the garden I threw a couple handfuls of coconut powder and some plant probiotics topside and watered it in Saturday. These two frozen gelato that are growing super janky I’ve seen some sprout like this before but never made it this long before they died I wonder what these will look like if they grow


I find myself agreeing with this premise on the basis of flowers at their peak. Fruit at perfect pick point etc They deteriorate quickly. I also believe that while drying out (not curing) that some conversion and ripening is still happening.

I would like to still see the difference drying at ~36 vs ~60 degrees. I know the weed looks different. Greener …more chlorophyll at the dried stage before curing.


It actually ended up being some super fire the smell and taste wasn’t super fruity or tasty but the high I get from this bud is amazin seriously I feel like I finally caught the dragon I was chasing for years and I’m wondering if it has anything to do with it growing organically or living soil allowing it to grow to its fullest idk but I’m super proud of myself and everyone agrees it’s super nice smoke :v:t2::kissing_smiling_eyes::dash::dash:



Nice grow gromie! Yea I noticed when I switched to organic my weed packed more of a punch. I had good success with DWC too. I love feeding my plants my leftover egg shells and banana peels though. It’s just so natural and they love banana peels towards end of flower and I feel like it gives it more flavor and the smells come out more imo


So you actually just add the egg shells and banana peels to the soil bed? I wondered if it would just rot doing it that way instead of a traditional composting method



When I first make the soil I add raw banana peels but I use a little Bokashi flakes on the actual peels. And I bake the egg shells on low heat then a quick broil for 3-5 mins and grind them up. Then I add egg shells when I have eggs lol and remember to save the shells (I already use calcium additives like oyster shell when I make the soil). And I start adding dried baked banana peels grinded up starting week 4 or 5 of flower. Sometimes I’ll throw the dried grinded banana peels into my water (4-5 tbsp per gallon) and let it sit for 24 hours and then water my plants with it. They love it. Been doing it for a handful of years now and all I see are good things


Ah interesting its funny I actually tried something similar to this 10 years ago when I tried growing my first plants we tried taking fruits and dehydrating them the bud would’ve turned out pretty decent if I didn’t drag a male 20 feet away and shake the hell out of it lol :laughing: I’ve been seeing a lot of that fermentation technique lately but haven’t looked into it every time I try and get started theres a newer better technique that comes out and I’m outdated :smiley:

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Does this seem like a pretty solid schedule?

" Monday: Water in powered aloe
Tuesday: Nothing(no water)
Wednesday: Water Only, no additives
Thursday: Nothing(no water)
Friday: A combination of liquid kelp, liquid fish, labs, and fermented fruit juices(I tend to change up which of these I mix together)
Saturday: Nothing(no water)
Sunday: Nothing(no water)

My Friday schedule tends to start in flower with labs, fish, and kelp, and as flower progresses, I will add in fermented fruit juices every other week starting in week 4. I then ride that out until the end of flower."



That’s pretty similar to what I do. :+1::seedling:


What the hell is liquid fish? I have several gallons of this…



Gallons of liquid gold ! Did it fall off the back of a truck or did you buy it?


Lol so that is what you would consider to be liquid fish? I just bought stuff as I was listening to kis podcasts figured I’d use it eventually and now it’s eventually and I’d like to try and use what I got since I’ve put so much cash into it


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Good stuff indeed. It may also be referred to as FAA (Fish Amino Acids) as well as liquid fish.


I just noticed you posted someone else’s watering schedule. For reference, here is mine…

Watering Schedule:

Watering is done every two-three days. Every other watering is one of the following teas:

Sul-po-mag - Once a month
Neem/Kelp tea - Once a month
Malted Barley Tea - Once a week
Coconut Water Tea - Once a week


You run this veg and flower nonstop? When you make teas what do you actually do do you stir it with a stick, run an air stone for couple hours I’m just wondering cause what I would do is just run it like a compost tea but idk if thats even the best or most effective way of doing things here?
