Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

What about the landrace team? Have you baught from them before? Are their genetics what they say they are? @upstate thanks
These guys here ,

And they are kinda expensive! Smh dang


im with upstate thinking that alot strains on TLT Seeds are just a repro of other Seedvendors
AND also they might find people mostly on Instagram from origin and put their Label on it, and make the bigger profit from sending them around the globe @lol i was faster. TLT dont seem to “waste time” breeding anything , right?


They are Overpriced and disingenuous and I always try to buy my seeds somewhere else, From the same place they get there seeds when possible.


Thanks, sorry out of likes :slight_smile:


they actually do have a creations section, they seem really proud of their kalamata because there’s quite a few crosses


Yeah but who actually did the “creating”? lol


Here’s some of there creations they have posted on IG that they don’t have on there website just thought I throw it out there some ìnteresting crosses


Yes, im shure you understood, that i dont suspet them at all to take time to hide an indica in the strains, by backcrossing or such lbreeding projects…
I think TLT seeds rely on their “reputation for the thinn stuff”, and its simple and well working buissnes model …(atleast when offering a new Strain all couple weeks…novelity)


I’m ask him for the “Maharashtra collection” , he told me that he will give me many different Kerala Strains, also I suggest him to get the extreme NLD Strains from Terai chitwan region in Nepal, and it seems that he sucessful make it because he was offered lately, at least he sent me those complete.
But man! I was waiting for ages the seeds and at the end he just sent: "Badra,Trimbak and Mitthu. Supposely the Maharashtra collection was about like seven Strains…
Also I paid like 80 dollars to Ryan from Love of Landrace to get"fast and safe " my seeds and a complete year gone and my freacking seeds isn’t arrives yet… Bro i’m sometimes sell seeds too and isn’t really hard to send them, unless a very special situations and always i’m in comunication with the People.


The Landrace Team guy is an ambitious guy who has no love for cannabis.
just looking to make money.
I am sure that he is here among us with a different alias.
he asks for seeds, reproduces them and then sells them at ridiculous prices. he never asks permission to sell what many have kindly shared with him, he does not give credit to anyone for the genetics received either.
I am really thinking very seriously not to share anything anymore
As I have repeated before, I always lose out on purchases and exchanges.


Yeah, Landrace Team

…that’s’ riddly’ from the forums

Opportunist is too nice a word…but that’s what comes to mind


Yeah, I have no love for TLT, over priced, poor germination rates and everything gets shipped from Greece, so your held hostage by the Greek postal system.


I have a Mazandaran creeper pheno right now that is currently trying to take over my tent, all I did was top it once:


Yeah, I stopped copping from them and a few of the others when you learn there’s other legit people selling the same genetics at more than half that price. Always thought it was funny how some people geeked (me included lol) for Indian Landrace exchanges expensive ass drops when some of those offerings have been available at The Real Seed Company for years prior. Crazy what a bit of good marketing will do!


I messaged Ryan from loveoflandrace about your circumstance and asked him to weigh in on the thread but for some reason he is blocked out / having trouble interacting on this thread and others. This does appear to be one of those special circumstances as he stated that he sent your seeds multiple times, claims he has been in communication with you but they were seized. Now it appears that he is using a work-around to make sure that they get to you (i don’t feel comfortable describing all the details relating to his logistics, etc. assuming you know about his latest attempt to get them to you through a different way). I agree, 1 year is way too long but i like to give people the benefit of the doubt and the way you phrased it - it’s like he just ghosted you and made no effort to do anything, including communicating.


I have also had issues with my order with shiv, receiving less seeds then he promised and less lines than guaranteed. He claims he will make it right, time will tell.

I understand where you’re coming from on getting taken advantage of in trades, there are members on here who have not honored their original agreement or change the terms of the trade after they receive my seeds. Then there are the landrace team(TLT) type scavengers/charlatans that are purely profit motivated and cannot even give credit where it’s due. It’s the wild west out here, i feel your pain - i know it can be frustrating — hope that the few rotten apples don’t spoil your view of the tree.


Do you think old timers haze is hybridized? 20 weeks. I am hoping it is legit.


If 20 weeks is the deal, it must be hybridized with another NLD, if anything, lol. Hope you’re all good. :v:


We are in communication because I have to write to him :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I pay a lot of money man, I’m poor people, I don’t even earn dollars! Quite more difficult to me
Now he supposedly sent to united states, almost another month and nothing happened…


More than 20 years trading seeds and always is the same history for me. Sent and mostly of the time never get anything back …I’m start to be a little tired. But anyway someone told me better no complain and keep go on.