LGVS Giveaway Threadtasitic Bonanza

Alright the random number generator gods, via the AI enslavery instruments of instruction dubs @OG_Caveman the winner of this round. Please DM to work out getting you this pack.

Thank you all for joining in, stick around the merriment has just begun, and as I could anticipate the games are a foot.


Good win @OG_Caveman!!


Those are gonna be some real :fire:

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Letā€™s get right back into it.

Iā€™ll end this one tomorrow at lets say noonish, maybe, maybe not, depending on what way the winds blowing, so tomorrow it will close and I will call the winner.

Please add as many numbers as needed. Same rules as above. Do not overwrite someone and if international please add your country flag, remember the winner is responsible for shipping

This is my 14 week Jack Herer F181 S 1 from the stock of Mel Frank via @ToddMcC crossed to the Starfighter F2ā€™s from @Strayfox.

Good luck :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:

  1. @buckaroobonsai :us:
  2. @middleman
  3. @Sailorboy :us:
  4. @Wotcha :uk:
  5. @OhNo555 :us: :comet:
  6. @Weednerd.Anthony :us:
  7. @donuchee :us:
  8. @Cloud9 :us:
  9. @503BudMan :us:
  10. @BeardedMech :us:
  11. @Hashpants :us:
  12. @Nugslinger :canada:
  13. @Gadarien :us_outlying_islands:
  14. @OnePassionateGrower :us:
  15. @MonsterDrank :us:
  16. @gho13
  17. @Scarlyle :us:
  18. @emeraldbullfrog :us: :frog:
  19. @Whatnow :us:
  20. @Fortman420 :canada:
  21. @OG_Caveman :us:
  22. @FishWhistler :us:
  23. @TopShelfTrees1 :canada:

Thanks for the chance man! :+1:


That sounds like a sweet cross, thanks for the chance @Enjoi802!

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The Jack has a garlic basement funk thatā€™s super sticky resin, definitely a favorite smoke of mine and others, sheā€™s a bleeder also, which is really unique to see. Iā€™m sure the starfighter will bring down the flowering time, but Iā€™m curious as to what will dominate the cross. Anything I have seen so far the Jack takes the dominant role. So we shall see.


Thanks for more opportunities to win !! @Enjoi802

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Thanks :blush: @Enjoi802 for a chance at that Jack Herer F181 S 1 from the stock of Mel Frank via @ToddMcC crossed to the Starfighter F2ā€™s from @Strayfox. Very generous of you! :facepunch::+1::clap::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:

Good luck to all. :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers::crazy_face::wink::star_struck::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


I have to say Iā€™m kinda looking forward to this one, the Jack Iā€™ve had for about 3 years now and this will be my first time releasing some, thereā€™s been some Iā€™ve given to Mr.Soul of Brother Grimm and maybe on other I canā€™t really remember and thatā€™s because he gave me a pack of C99 F2 to play with.


Sounds tasty. But a 14 weekā€™r?
Idk if I have the patience. :rofl:

You got any flowering picks of these generous offerings that youā€™d like to share?


Well I didnā€™t take many pictures this round but thatā€™s the only one with her in it I could see in recent photos. Sheā€™s the three leaf lady in the center, thatā€™s around day 55. As you can see she has plenty of room left to grow. Itā€™s like the old super silver


Very generous!! Good luck all

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What a great thing you are doing.

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Thank you for the chance @Enjoi802

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Thanks for the chancešŸŖ“ Good Luck To All :seedling:


Yeah, looks a little haze-ish, huh.
Thanks again brotha!


Yo, this looks awesome! Thank you for the chance :frog:

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Hey :wave: @Gho13 & @Scarlyle next time you put your name on a wiki donā€™t forget to leave a space after the number and the period. It messes up the wiki when you donā€™t. I fixed it for you guys. Just a little reminder. :wink::+1::blush::sunglasses::v:


OMG I actually won something! Thanks bro! :pray:
DM incoming!