Looking for Aficionado seeds portofino

If this is in the wrong section please move it

I am looking for Aficiando seeds portofino seeds. If anyone can guide me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated!!

I moved it to the Trading Post category, which I think is a better fit than the Breeder’s Lab.

BTW - I couldn’t find them anywhere. For a limited release strain like this, you should be prepared to pay through the nose for it. They went for $250 to $300 when they were released, but that price may have doubled or tripled since then. Also, be careful of scams. Aficionado makes some nice packaging, but it’s easy to remove their beans and replace them with something completely different.

Good luck!


Yea i know but i figured this would be the best place to look thank you so much @Purple-N-Hairy for moving this and yea when it was released i had got a pack and when i got arrested they and everythinf was taken so now im on the hunt for it

I don’t understand the mania about those seeds. But if you are looking for this vendor is out of St Louis.


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