Metric to English conversion chart

Here is a chart of handy conversion factors. The FAQ team are currently working on a JavaScript version of this chart and it will be made available at the earliest possible convenience.

Conversion Factors

Length: units conversion factor metric units
inches 2.54 centimeters
feet 0.305 meters
yard 0.915 meters
centimeters 0.394 inches
meters 3.28 feet
meters 1.094 yards
Area: square inches 6.5 sq. centimeters
square feet 0.093 sq. meters
acres 0.405 hectares
sq. centimeters 0.155 sq. inches
sq. meters 10.76 sq. feet
Volume: cubic inches 16.4 cubic centimeters
cubic feet 0.03 cubic meters
cubic yards 0.765 cubic meters
cubic cm 0.061 cubic inches
cubic meters 35.31 cubic feet
cubic meters 1.31 cubic yards
u.s. gallons 3.785 liters
Imp. gallons 4.545 liters
liters 0.2642 U.S. gallons
liters 0.22 Imp. gallons
Weight: ounces (Av) 28.35 grams
pounds (Av) 0.4536 Kilograms
grams 0.0353 ounces (Av)
Kilograms 0.205 pounds (Av)
Temp: Fahrenheit 0.56 deg. Celcius (F-32)
Celcius 1.8 Fahrenheit (F+32)

  Examples:     Convert: 8" to centimeters (cm) : 8" x 2.54 = 20.32cm 
              Convert: 40 F to Celcius        : (40-32) x 0.56 = 8 x 0.56 = 4.48 C 
               Convert: 10 C to Fahrenheit     : (10 x 1.8) + 32 = 50 F