Federal prohibition is a travesty.
Enough already.
Congress gives medical marijuana users a good reason to be paranoid
Another testimonial.
I actually agree with this guy!
wow, the police state just keeps getting worse! If I had kids they’d NEVER set foot in public schools…
Yes indeed, zero tolerance has brought about zero common sense, zero discretion and 100% abject stupidity,
For shame!
Now, this begs the question.
Did they differentiate between indica/sativa?
Probably not.
PTSD Made Worse By Medical Marijuana Treatment
Pot not a cure for post-traumatic stress disorder!
No rational justification whatsoever.
Why Are Opioid Painkillers Legal But Marijuana Isn’t?
I like these articles but they sure anger and frustrate me.
Yes, I know the feeling!
Most confounding.
Well, this certainly merits a big, giant
Medical students need training to prescribe medical marijuana
Montel Williams’ Battle With Multiple Sclerosis And The Miracle Of Medical Marijuana
Stated cost goal of $0.40 to $0.50 per gram.