Newbie questions on relative humidity ranges during flower when lights are off?

I have seen folks run higher RH with no issues but yeah, when I start stacking large colas I find it can pop up in the grooves of the colas where air cant get to. If one has no choice than they take their chances and hopefully will be good but if you can control it lower is better. We work with what we got.


You grow some monster buds, so I believe that! I wish there was a cost effective, small footprint dehumidifier that could drop my humidity significantly in a 2x2. Even when I had a cheap one from Amazon going, it would only be able to drop the relative humidity 5% or so, which would still leave me in the high 60%'s. I guess I should just be happy it’s legal to grow plants in my bedroom.


Yeah, I had no luck trying to use a dehumidifier in my tents. I have to dehumidify the room it is pulling air from and exaust outside. That said I am blessed with having a spare bedroom for my 5x5 and 2x4 so it’s easier to control.


You have to disassemble the unit and desolder the little blue leds in the reservoir in those.They are a bitch to get open some of them and you have to monkey with it to get it open.


Thanks for all the input so far and I remember having a chart like this before so thanks for that as well…as usual the OG community is to the rescue lol but seriously glad to be hear and I will be updating weekly and hopefully it’ll continue on the way it’s been going and my favorite part is watching the transformation of the pistils into buds !


@DougDawson good to hear. I’ve been having issues with humidity staying at 26-35% through entire grow. Plants look happy but I’ve read the RH should be higher in veg.
These are mine at 26%.

Guess we will see how it smokes in a few weeks.:grin:

Ps I have added a room humidifier, added containers of water near fans, even soaked a towel and hung it in the room. Nothing increases it…


Plants look healthy and happy :slight_smile: Having that low RH in flower is a great problem to have.


Agree, unless you’ve got spider mites … :sweat_smile:


I had a grow last winter with low rh in veg and it was bad for the plants, so I bought a portable ac unit and never looked back.
Those VPD charts are really necessary imo


I’ve got one printed out and I have it in my journal/diary that I’m writing down with a pencil and paper if anyone remembers those times…LoL…but seriously it’s a big help to explain a few things for me and this morning I woke up to the aroma of my girl who did quite a bit of growing and the pistils are looking great and they’ve got a decent amount of trichomes…I also plucked a couple fan leaves that were blocking the light on the one area along with a little flower node branch at the bottom of the plant that wasn’t doing much but being an energy “sucker”/ popcorn bud site and I’m pretty sure she’ll be good for the rest of the grow because I don’t like taking fan leaves and it’s mostly from inexperience…will post more pics after I turn the lights on


Those numbers are great. Keep em there is my opinion


@Jango how would cooling the room with a portable ac unit help in MI winter months increase the humidity? Current room temp is 69-70. :nerd_face:

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All else staying equal, if you decrease the temp, the rh goes up.
So for the op, you could try to keep the heat higher during lights off as another option. All else being equal, the rh will drop.


An ac unit keeps the rh in line with the temp you select, probably not exact for early veg or late flower but a climate us and plants like. I’ve tried storage heaters, wet towels in the tent but with very limited success. If your battling high temps and low rh an evaporative cooler may be useful.


@Jango , I’m not battling high temps. Actually, I was having issues with the temp being to low 65-68. So I moved some fans & exhaust. That increased it by 3-4 degrees which is good.
I live in Michigan & have an old home built back in the 20’s. The basement is cinder block. I’ve tried a humdifier in the room which helps a bit but not enough. I had a new humidifier put on my furnace. Then I saw someone put the humidifier at the air intake & the humidifier was blowing into it which went into the grow room. Thought I’d give it a try. I’ve been working on this since December. Haven’t gotten anything to work the way I want. BUT people say they look healthy & I have to agree. I’m wondering how it will effect the flowers potency. Time will tell :+1:

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