Newbie questions on relative humidity ranges during flower when lights are off?

So I’m currently on day 24 of flower and it’s just a simple but important question about the recommended relative humidity levels


Based on my experience in a 2 x 2 tent,if you have good airflow and a good temperature no mold Is going to happen.I had 70%-75% peaks for some hours of lights off,but Always running fans.I got no mold at all.
Keep soil not damp.
Try to leave some space between foliage.


For the most part I’m not as concerned about during lights on its more towards the side of what’s people’s opinion on the relative humidity during the 12 hours of darkness for flowering thanks for the input

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Whether its day or night temps and rh should be lower in flower, and like Andrexi said keep your fans going, both oscillating and exhaust. Your exhaust fan is a useful tool in keeping the vpd in line as long as your bringing in cooler dryer air.


I have my exhaust running all the time and I have a clip on in the one corner lower down and in the back is my oscillating fan that’s just above the top of my plant and I have a ultra sonic cool mist humidifier that I have to use and no dehumidifier needed I’m in a phototron and in Colorado it’s dry as shit compared to Pennsylvania where I’m from but I am currently in the process of getting my MED License so I can get a job at a grow possibly in time but for now I’m just on my second grow and I enjoy all growing including my succulent room and last summer I successfully started a raised garden and had tomatoes,peppers, cucumbers, beans(real one’s lol), strawberries, canalope and basil& parsley. Sorry I just have really taken to this hobby way more than I ever thought I would like and I look forward to continuing witching, learning, absorbing and utilizing everything I can from OG and the amazing community here and the best teacher is mother nature and I am sorry for the long reply lol love this shit. The Dude Abides


DrGonzo13 dont be sorry for embracing the best hobby in the world, its a beautiful thing, enjoy it all mate​:green_heart::+1:


It’s really good to know that I’m not the only one turning green here and I hope maybe I’ll become the hulk after awhile🤣


I would respectfully disagree with allowing high humidity. Once you have nice fat buds forming there is no way for airflow to get into all the cracks as buds grow together into a cola. 50% is the high end for me and prefer between 30 and 40 %.


Is that for lights off or on or both? It’s just a part of the growing cycle indoors that I am not as clear about so I always get nervous about mold when I get into flowering and is my main reason n conern…so where is the best place to get some input…of course here and I appreciate all the feedback you all can provide


Both. Nothing much more frustrating than finding mold at harvest after all the work it took to get there.


I was having ‘issues’ with RH spiking at night (and a temperature drop).
I jumped after an AC Infinity T6 as soon as I discovered them. Now, the tent is regulated to whatever I have the max. RH set to (right now, 58%).

Worry free!



Exactly what I got really close to during the first grow and I don’t want to even get close to the relative humidity levels I was at before and it’s been averaging at 53% for my 12 hours of darkness and 37% with lights on temperature differences is averaging 8°(65°-73°)difference between lights on and off and she seems to be happy…but I’m open to suggestions


If you are maxing out at 53% you should be good.


! …couple 2 day old pics


Highest it’s been in flower has been 59% and I have the same unit as u @Gpaw and I am asking cause I finally got it from a friend who sold it to me after he got a roommate and lost his extra bedroom aka tent room and it’s new and just wanna be sure it’s not to high


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Iguess that upload didnt work! Any one have a good vpd chart



Although this has less data and is a good go to.


I’ve had the same experience as @Andrexl . I can put my ac infinity fan on it’s highest setting, but given it’s pulling from a room that has humidity naturally at 70%, there isn’t much I can really do lights out. Tried putting a mini dehumidifier in the tent, and the light on it which i heavily taped over, still caused herms two runs in a row. I’m sure it’s not ideal, and I don’t grow big ass buds like @DougDawson, but i have yet to get any bud mold in my tent. Not to say you shouldn’t try, but if you can’t you might be OK.