***No Till Or Die Trying (3x3 and 2x4 living soil beds)***

FYI I would have given a kidney to see them live with Danzig when they did that mini tour a couple years ago.


ha, the funny thing is that danzig is probably the dude that would be happy to take that kidney from you. for dinner likely.


I’ve always been partial to “Nike A Go-Go” myself. We actually performed that one at my high school’s talent show sophomore year haha. I was already planning on going out shirtless and shoeless, but when we were waiting backstage, I found one of those weird Michael Myers clear mask things (there’s always random shit laying around at performing arts schools), so I put that on and did the first verse wearing that, then took it off and threw it at the front row.

We did not win. But we did get an “honorable mention”! Haha…


If I’m getting your thread unacceptably off-topic, I apologize, @bassman5420, but did you ever hear about that Danzig stalker, @LegsMahoney? We used to live in the same neighborhood and one day my friend Anna came over and was like,”They just arrested some dude who was stalking Danzig. They found him on his property with a backpack full of porno mags, but all of the women’s faces had photocopies of Danzig’s face taped on…” I was like,”What??? We got some PSYCHOS in the ‘hood…” haha.

Weird shit, for sure. But really funny, too. I just kept thinking about, like,”Maybe everybody I see with a backpack is secretly carrying around copies of Hustler and Penthouse with Glenn Danzig’s face taped on their heads…” It’s kind of a nice thought, actually… haha.


Sick! Do you have a vhs recording of your performance?
Definitely not as cool, but there is a vhs recording of me doing a “Walk Like An Egyptian” skit from an elementary talent show that I must get my grubby little hands on!


That’s too funny! Ha!Ha!


Haha! No, I do not. But maybe the school does. I dunno if they’d really keep around VHS archives of, like, talent shows from 1991, but maybe? It was a pretty serious school (which is why I was like,”Fuck these Bach cello solos; we’re doing the Misfits,” haha!), a lot of my old classmates have gone on to do great things, so maybe they kept them around, as evidence of the amazing-ness of that school or whatever. Gregory Hines and Bebe Neuwirth (“Lilith” from Cheers) and people like that would do summer workshops there, so it’s possible they still have those tapes around.

I’m still kinda friendly with some of the old faculty there, maybe I’ll see if they can find out if there’s a copy of the Spring ‘91 Talent Show laying around haha. I’ll post it if a copy exists haha!


Ditto on the walk like an Egyptian


Again, sorry for getting way off-topic, but I loved that song when I was like eleven. I remember one Friday night, when one of the local radio stations did their weekly “Dedication Hour” thing, this chick Gwen called me up and was like,”What’s your favorite song??? I’m gonna do a dedication for you!” and I was so thrown off, no idea what to say, so I was like,”Um-um-um…” and then blurted out,”Walk Like an Egyptian!” Which is probably the least-romantic makeout song ever haha.


Dude! Whey oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh!


All good bud :+1:


Well I could definitely reverse one of them and do the deed heh. I have kept the Helena x PBB around because I like its nug structure and growth. I do happen to have a few Helena clones sitting here that have been in mini pots just running out of food as I try to figure out wtf to do with them heh.

I could repot it and start reversing I guess. I would need to take some more Frankie clones and get them going before I could reverse it. If I line something out for reversing, I could just start reversing a clone of all these decent strains so I can get a collection of fem pollens.

We shall see, not a lot of room over here lol. I need @Enjoi802 to sell me 1-2 of his 1x1 tents so I can have some little isolation chambers heh.


whoa. no i have not heard of that. with how gnarly a dude Danzig is (or seems to be) i wouldnt like to imagine the dude whos gnarly enough to stalk him and glue his face over porno mags. shudder! haha


Gotta be a super smooth indica!

Yeah hell froze over on that one!

Could be cool but for the Helena I’m told heavy defoliation is in order. If you cut off her arms and you cut off her legs she’ll still love you anyway.


@bassman5420 Meant to apologize for hijacking your thread yesterday. You can always come to the sip thread and talk about the misfits or walk like an Egyptian any day!
And a good day to you sir!


Hah, all good bud :+1:


Saw the first few gnats in the 2x4… Panic setting in from last rounds trauma… Sticky traps deployed… Finger on the red button…



Oh boy, did @chronix move in? :sweat_smile:
Hit’em with axes :man_farmer: :flushed: :sunglasses:


Hopefully… I need someone on Gnat patron 24/7 heh. :crazy_face: :laughing:


If you haven’t tried mosquito bits check them out I water in a bit of them once every 10 or 12 days kills off the larvae