Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 2)

That’s weird… I saw a “short” from Lackluster in my Youtube feed just the other day and watch some of his videos.

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Back in the day, you could do this. Then, there might have been one “weirdo” in the neighborhood, and you avoided THAT house, now, no one knows their neighbors, so no one knows which one(s) to avoid (and there are probably many you should).

@Nagel420 You are so lucky. I have tried to get to know the ones around me, and thirty years ago when we moved in, we did, but we have gotten so much change, here, and no one here wants to know each other. The only ones that I have been friendly with is the single mom who was renting the house next door. I kinda looked out for her kids and helped her out if she needed a small repair, but she moved out after a year and a half and two others have moved in since and left.


I’ve also seen someone chop the back of a Cherokee down and add a Comanche tail gate, for like a Chevy Avalanche type look. Was on a Comanche forum a bunch of years ago. Was bright green, from Hawaii if I recall correctly.





actually last night, I kept hearing the dog next door crying/barking. he is usually let in at night. I know all his barks so at 2.35 in the morning I went over. Checked for signs of break-in, and injury on the dog, and did a perimeter walk. No one was home, car was gone. Turns out the owner gave a door code to a kid that works for her, he lost it and just left the dog out.
I made the dog a bed, filled a hot water bottle, and kept him fed and warm until sunrise.
He is an old coley and it was 95% humidity. minus one. I don’t even talk to that neighbor often but the dog was cry barking, Had to help even though it was awkward sitting on there deck lol


Thats a popular mod by me, there’s at least 5 in town with that short bed / avalanche look.

Most are friendly when they move in, and realize they will be neighbors for many years to come. Neighbor across the street threw his OWN “Get to know me” party and invited everybody on the street a few years ago when he moved in. He also got involved in the lake association I live in, and became friends with everybody in short time. Contrast that to the new asshole at the end of the street. Moves in from city area, cuts down ALL the foundation plantings and half paints his house (prior? That house had THE most beautiful yard on the block), then he lets his grass grow to almost waist height, ruins a large mower trying to mow it, rents an excavator, totally grades the yard down to dirt, and STILL parks his 5-6 cars on the street (secondary road, we all have driveways and use them except him, he has 2 “boats” and I loosely use that term because they are ready for the junkyard) in his “driveway”. This causes ALL traffic to use one lane of the street (and makes the potholes in front of his house 10x worse cause you cant avoid them now). And lets not forget he has 3 German Shepards which are not trained and gonna cause harm to someone one day. They even asked me (and 2 other neighbors) to not walk my / our dogs past their house “cause it excites their dogs”… SORRY dickhead, thats the non-traffic end of the street, and its the way TO the lake. Yeah, not gonna happen, how about YOU learn how to control YOUR dogs? Needless to say, he is not liked by ANYBODY on the street. Learning to fit in and get along with your neighbors goes a LONG way.





well shucks… I’m fluent in redneck it seems. I understood every item on the list.


Did similar to my buddies jeep. We trimmed the fiberglass hatch down until it mostly fit. Obviously I had to park in it after




i kind of feel bad for them (if it’s real anyway)



Haven’t seen a 4dr cut like that yet. Thats a REALLY short bed lol.

The 5 that are around town are all 2dr models, but remove rear side windows / trim hatch to fit conversions like that. Being 2dr, that makes the bed area longer / more commanche like.

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