Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 3)

Just your basic golden-crowned flying fox. Lots of cool photos in the article.


Only thing that bothered me was the comment about Transsexuals’ sexualizing kids…
That was not furthering the point of NOT politicizing it-- it made it hate speech.
If that’s what he believes- fine… but it doesn’t belong here-- any more than anti-Semitism, racism, etc…
OG is made up of people from all races, religions, orientations etc… Hateful shit doesn’t belong here
IMO—Here- EVERYONE ‘‘is OG’’ unless they prove themselves unworthy through their behavior.


so thats how covid got around the world in such a short time :thinking:

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If I’m reading it right, he’s saying that emotional and social desires, if neglected long enough, can affect mental health and therefore they’re as important as food. And no, they’re just not. You won’t die from lack of social validation, unless you kill yourself. You’ll die from lack of food, water, oxygen, etc. Yes, Maslow may have labeled them as needs, but he also made certain to clarify that they can only rise to that level if true survival needs are met. To me, that more properly means desires.


I heard an argument about how the chicken was the most successful animal on the planet because there are 33 billion of them. But would you say life has improved for the individual chicken?

We have to get at least a little of what we desire.

A fate worse than death? Who knows. But we are like those chickens.

Survival vs flourishing maybe.



Why we have to keep our paper towels in a cabinet. Toilet paper too.


@Cormoran is close, but not quite there whether it is believed or not. it’s called ‘maslov’s hierarchy of needs’ not desires. when the immediate needs are met, the others also need to be met as well. and go ahead refuse to believe that mental health is a need or that it won’t kill you, 22 veterans who kill themselves every day would argue that if they were here. a system of beliefs is necessary for humans to interact socially, whether it comes from religion or the air. the problem is when men get control of things they have a tendency to corrupt them. take christianity for example: from what we can tell of the earliest message, it was pretty clear that it was all about loving one another and being nice. then they had to defend those views to philosophers at the time so they invented all sorts of crap to make it sound good. i’ve been studying biblical greek so i can read the manuscripts so i could go on, but you get the idea.

while it is tue that you may be able to survive for extended periods of time without anything above the base level on the hierarchy, it is also true that failing to get those needs met leads to all sorts of extreme behavioral abnormalities up to and including homicidal and suicidal actions, not to mention the manifestations of mental illness that are less than lethal but no less debilitating.

it took me decades to realize that mental health is health. i suppose it had something to do with all the “macho” jobs that i have had, combat engineer, construction work, truck driver, spec ops support, all with no women and a huge aversion to anything which would make one appear weak. i’m not that messed up, but i have realized lately that it’s ok to not have all the answers. i also realized that there is more than one reality. mine may or may not be the same as yours. that doesn’t mean either of them are invalid, just that they are different.

that’s why i gave the cliff notes on the first comment. sometimes i ramble a tad…


Uh… you say potato, I say potato? Apparently this rests on whether or not you believe that suicide is a choice, or whether it’s involuntary. I think it’s a choice. Obviously a poor choice, but still a choice. Or maybe it’s not a poor choice, maybe it depends on the individual. It’s their life, not mine or yours. How do you know they’d argue that if they were here? Maybe they’d argue with you over your presumption that you can make their choices for them.

With the meme sharing thread shut down due to politics, lets try this again with an explicit no politics AT ALL rule.

So let’s try this again, memes only, no politics, let’s have some fun fam

Reminder, this thread is non-political in nature, not intended as a general chat, and rather is for memes.

Considering cleaning up some of the chatter. Please bring this back on track. Thank you.



i’m pretty sure we are arguing on what is a need. at least that is what i thought it was, and my take is that all the things on maslov’s hierarchy of needs are needs while i thought your opinion was that everything above the first level are desires. my reasoning was that not having those needs met caused auxiliary issues up to and including homicide and suicide. whether they are choices or not is irrelevant since they would not have happened had the needs been met. did i misunderstand your stance?






You misunderstood the thread being closed, it seems. I’m done with this. Arguing over semantics on the internet in the first place… I’m about ready to make the choice to commit seppuku myself. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s the only way to reclaim my honor!


Agreed, Im here for the memes, not some discussions, especially political ones…the name of the thread couldnt be more obvious…take it elewhere please, like PMs. A lot of scroling past that stuff…