this set me off last night into a 2 hour history lesson via wikipedia. learning about classical greece. roman republic roman empire. antiquity.
history is so cool
like so much stuff happened innthe last 2000 years and before… and it’s all documented very well
I ended up going on to learning that europe and asia are considered one continent by some Eurasia. seperated by ghe suez canal and some other rivers.
which actually was one continent seperated then re attached .
also learned about super continents. 200 mill years ago afroeurasia .
and possibly a theory about a tectonic shift in 10 mill years and the closing of Atlantic Ocean an pacific creating a new Ocean- creating auria. Australia and antartica connecting. or the americas and a
all from one gheghis kahn Wiki search…I had a good night.
really interested in history now lol
hmmmm I saw most of those in 2004 on a LSD trip lol
I love history, and there’s so much of it!
When males decorate
being a member of the club of no return .