Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 5)

They dig deep in the soil eating radioactive truffles.

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Damn right. We didn’t need no stinkin’ helmets!

You can see punchouts from 45rpm records in the spokes of my bike. There was a record pressing plant near my house, and we’d go there on weekends, hop the fence, and dig out the punchouts from their trash bins. They were also fun to throw at each other in “war” games, and that plant provided lots of ammunition.

You can see that I have a generator on my front wheel. That lit the headlamp, and when it was engaged, it made the bike far more difficult to peddle.

I wonder if those are Levi’s 501s that I’m wearing. I wear 501s almost exclusively and have as long as I can remember. I think the only time I didn’t primarily wear 501s was when I logged. No belts allowed if you work in the woods. Everyone is required to bob the hems of pant legs off and wear braces (aka, suspenders) rather than belts. It’s all about safety.

Totally unrelated to bikes, this is a picture of me watering my first vegetable garden, string beans in a concrete planter. I remember being very excited to eat food that I actually grew. You may have also seen the picture of me with my first pot plants (in 1975). I was also really excited to get to smoke weed that I grew! That excitement continues.


I think it’s a normal three-tab roof. Looks to me that the homeowner has laid 2x4s along the eaves under the straps.


I did! Man, it’s nice to see your still rocking it!

Quite some stories you must be telling your kids about the things you must have done…:wink::v:t3:

You promised we’d never speak of this. :grin:

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Someone say fungi. :mushroom: :mushroom:


This farmer, whose wife’s favorite color is yellow, planted 50 acres of sunflowers to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. :+1:



Outta likes.

It just occurred to me that perhaps they should be called “funghigh.” HA!

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These come 4ft. long and longer…I used these for my dog’s chain tie outs…we call them earth anchors… Maybe it did/does work anchoring that house down…


One of my rancher buddy picked these from cow shit the other day…I wouldn’t eat it…I have some in my freezer and it didn’t grow in manure, so it doesn’t taste like shit.

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I couldn’t make out just what the tie-downs were. The things you’re talking about are like big corkscrews, right?

I think that set up is about keeping the roof from blowing off rather than keeping the entire house anchored.

For me, the real question is what are the straps anchored into? Relatively loose soil or, for example, horizontal poured concrete pillars with eye-bolts embedded in them? Imagine having a minimum of 85mph winds pushing up against those eaves and the larger expanse of the entry porch. I have a hard time imagining even a longer screw could keep that much force at bay in even well compacted soil, but I’ve been wrong plenty of times in my life. Just ask Mrs. mota! HA!

Yes, thank you for the photograph. I just have a hard time seeing that holding back all that wind against those flat surfaces. I definitely hope it worked!


I forgot to add the picture so I just added it now go back and look at it…

Oh boy, it’s down to 3 hours! Sigh…

Time to make some breakfast, and maybe have some Turkish delight. :slight_smile: :yum:


Haha if I were to say something clever @mota couldn’t like it!

Curses! Foiled again! (Curls waxed mustache.)

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