Are you making fun of my shoes? Don’t you dare make fun of my shoes.
Outta likes.
Charming, with just a skosh of sluttyness! Very tasteful, and with an open toe!
I get compliments about the way my toe hair curls around the strap.
I’ve actually got much more ridiculous ones that I was hoping to take a picture of but I couldn’t find them. They’re rhinestone studded disco ball kinda things.
That would have been funnier.
I fail to see the humor in that.
Of course, the reason I fail to see it is because you posted the picture of that silver pump. (Or at least I think it’s a pump.)
Maybe it’s only funny to me. She bought them to go with her wedding dress but it was a long dress and the shoes were hidden by it so she got the most comfortable most ridiculous ones she could find.
Made me laugh.
Are they pumps? What do they pump? Why are they called pumps?
Those, my friend, are questions for the ages. I have always wondered those things.
We’re the real pros!