Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 8)

Wow !

Great working experience I bet :slight_smile:
The scuba shark guys must of had a ball also haha

I wouldn’t want to be scared like that haha

Not to one up or anything :wink: lol

but when I was In Mexico . - I went zip lining in the mountains.

And it’s where they filmed
PREDATOR . way up in the mountains. A dozen lines for sure and a few miles.

And a couple guys who worked there would go ahead a few ziplines…and they’d have predator masks on and dressed up- and jump out an scared the shit out of you after you hit the next landing or while walking to the next one.

Holy fuck!

Commitments by Schwarzenegger delayed the start of filming by several months. The delay gave Silver enough time to secure a minor rewrite from screenwriter David Peoples. Principal photography eventually began in the jungles of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico, during the last week of March 1986, but most[citation needed] of the film was shot in Mismaloya, Mexico.

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My daughter is fascinated that I can do this, she has been practicing for months and now she can do it as well LOL

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Nice. I’ve met very few folks who can clap with one hand. Good for you and her! My son and his kids can do it too. Do you do both hands? I like doing em both at the same time because it makes me look like even more of real spaz!!

Regarding technique, I tell people this is how to do it: Keep your wrist mostly rigid. You don’t want it flopping back and forth. That said, keep your fingers as loose as possible. You want your fingers to flop as you throw your forearm forward and backwards. Fingers hitting your palm is what makes the sound. It’s tough to describe in words alone, but would you say that’s a fair description of how you do it? What would you add (or delete), if anything, to my description to make it more practical for folks who are trying to learn?

And now I have to ask, what made you learn to do it? For me, I wanted a ball juggling trick that none of my friends could do, and I have some friends who are really good jugglers. All I had to do was teach myself to juggle three balls in one hand (a simple thing if you’re a competent two handed 3-ball juggler), and then I could juggle and applaud for myself at the same time! It was fun as shit seeing all these seriously good ball jugglers fail at my simple trick! HA!


No apparent gag reflex?


Critics. Always going for the juggler. :wink:


I can do 3…just not when my dog is around.
That would be dangerous…


That’s right. Can’t have the dog get hit in the head with a ball. Very considerate of you! :+1:

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She will take your fucking hand off…shudder.
GSD, the violence is ‘baked in’.


The deepest and largest natural well on earth is called Xiaozai Tiankang. It is located in Penji, in the heart of China. This amazing well is completely natural and reaches a depth of 662 meters, a length of 626 meters and a width of 537 meters. But what stands out the most is the explosion of life it inhabits.

Xiaozhai Tiankang is what geologists are confused about due to the influence of water. In this case, it was created on top of a cave with an underground river of 8.5 kilometers in size and flowing into a spectacular waterfall. Its enormous size makes it the deepest sinkhole in the world.
It houses close to 1,300 species of plants and wild animals. Among the most fascinating “tenants” that roam their underground forest, the misty panther stands out
Locals have known him since ancient times.



Whats Gnu with you??? :crazy_face: :roll_eyes: :thinking: :rofl:

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