Real ski boots.
did she die?
no, she did not.
that’s not what i was referring to because gas has been artificially priced for decades while the greed outstripping supply and demand is a relatively recent thing. used to be you could tell how much gas would cost by watching the price of oil, supply and demand, but now it’s not tied to that but greed rules. fearmongering with the fighting going on as an excuse to jack up prices. and just to be clear, this isn’t the govt doing it but the industry. that’s what makes this not political. they buy politicians on both sides and it’s all there to look at if you want to, at least what they file is there. with the law changes they don’t even have to hide that money any longer.
@sfzombie13 - I agree with your interpretation of history.
I would add a form of subsidy that is often left unrecognized, which is our military. We have deployed them in support of oil companies for a long time. This expense is another hidden subsidy that is not reflected in fuel prices.
This is not an antimilitary position. I support our troops but often differ on how they should be used.