Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 8)

Non political post…


not only is that a bit harsh, it’s uncalled for since the meme itself was not political in the slightest. and you could say the same thing for every single meme posted on this, or any other, website. it may or may not be true, but that is irrelevant. sounds like someone is just having a bad weekend. try to have a better day today. it’s all good, just a game called life that nobody gets out of alive anyway.


Steven Segal fight scene:
Open with a cup check,
Swing your arms around a bit,
Make some grunty sounds,
Let the other guy hit you a few times,
RE- verify cup status
You win!

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the one on the battleship was pretty decent, not because of him, but i liked it. maybe because i knew a guy like his character. former ranger badass that was a cook in our special forces unit. guy was only double tabbed though, that’s why he was a cook. i was just a poor single tabbed guy waiting for a chance to go to selection when they decided they didn’t like me smoking pot on my time off instead of drinking.

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Under Siege

Oh! I forgot! “Poke the other dude in the eye”

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i liked the part where they jumped out of the cake.

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Whatever, dude. You’ve argued with me that a copy-paste of a campaign statement by a politician about how to tax people isn’t political either, and apparently feel no shame whatsoever engaging in such ridiculous sophistry. Given that conversation, I feel very comfortable with just completely ignoring your opinion on the matter. :roll_eyes: However, as I said, I wasn’t the one who flagged it. If you really insist on dying on this hill, go dig up some more campaign statements and make a day of posting them all over the place until you get flagged by the entire forum. It’s at least more honestly and openly political than lurking all over the place waiting for someone to argue with to try and make your point.

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Out of likes but good stuff above!

How about the dramatic fight scene in the end where he stabs the dude in the head?




I like the flip phone. Is it pretty sturdy? Just wondering if Cat is pushing the hard to destroy angle?

I’m going to agree with this……I do not like politics……I feel the same about ass-rape.

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and? that was a prior statement and i stand by it. it is still a true statement regardless of whether you agree. and show me what was political about the meme in question? you said it was a “a political argument waiting to happen”, which in itself is not a political argument, nor is it a political statement. it is a true statement that we are causing the biggest heating of the earth and that it is on a path to mass extinctions. will it end the world? i don’t think so since we adapt pretty well, but it’s gonna get a whole lot messier in the future. and i will assume that what i just typed is also political in your eyes. ignore away, but do try to have a better weekend.

edit: i guess some folks just consider the truth to be political. damned shame if you ask me. but whatever floats your boat.



Super sturdy hahahaha

It’s also got a sick battery cover that gets screwed tight and a gasket around the cover

Unfortunately it doesn’t from tar!

Good down to -25°



Again I say “whatever, dude.” I don’t like censorship any more than you do, but politics is against the rules here. Argue with me in circles about what “political” means all you want, it’s just like trying to argue the meaning of pornography. Just as going into most workplaces and plastering the walls with naked pictures of your ex will lead to trouble regardless of how you might try to argue that it’s just artistic, memes that lead people’s thoughts in the directions of major political arguments are going to be flagged regardless of how much you try to argue that technically it’s not political.



I hate to do it, but I must take exception. It’s real bullshit, nothing fake about it.


I stand corrected. It is complete BS.


This is hilarious :joy: