Outta likes, but I’m gonna tell you something: I think I’d like the weird orgies, wild parties and unleashed passions alluded to in that lower poster. And look, that man’s shooting her up with marijuana! (I knew someone who actually tried to fix hash. As dumb a person as I think I have ever met!) Here’s my problem with that poster: I gotta get some good weed. I want me some weird orgies! Hell, I’d be satisfied with a regular one or maybe two.
I too, am a whore.
This is not a whores anonymous meeting nothing against whores, some of the best times of my life was spent in their company. Come to think of it, I might be a whore too.
Hell. I had more than 8 before I was out of high school.
-edit- “I too am a whore”.
so, larry got another one right, huh? he addressed both of those when he said, “While he may not have specifically focused on the classic thought experiment of digging a hole through the Earth and jumping in, we can use fundamental physics principles, including those Hawking often explored, to answer this question.”
…And there it was…Right in the middle of the Overgrow Meme thread, number 9 to be exact, a spontaneous meeting of Whores-Anonymous… It was a joyous time for all (for about $100) when they realized this. They were clapping and shouting…It was a site to see.
You couldn’t do it anymore than I could.
As soon as everyone started undressing, we’d be running for the door like Costanza when he thought the room was on fire
$100! I go for the $5 kind so I get twenty to your one.