Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 9)

i try to shower every other day (sometimes every third day in the winter) whether i need it or not unless i sweat too bad on the off day. that only ever presented a problem when i forgot to shower.

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i know this isnā€™t heavy metal but itā€™s my work ring tone and really rocks if you were ever a halo player. you gotta be high to make the connection with your post though.

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Thatā€™s also an excellent way to stay dry in the rain, although you have to vary the length and direction of your moves really frequently.


Weā€™ve had a Chevy Bolt for about five years, and we love it! We leased it for three years with an option to buy, which we did when the lease was up two years ago. We canā€™t go all that far, 256 mile max on relatively flat ground, but itā€™s less expensive than a gas auto and if weā€™re going someplace some distance away, we just fly there and rent a car.

And just to clarify, when I say ā€œwe,ā€ I mean Mrs. mota, not me. Iā€™ve only owned automobiles with manual transmissions, never an automatic. I decided that my purity is more important than ownership of the car, so it is solely in her hame. The Bolt has some kind of weird transmission. Iā€™ve never actually driven it.

We know a few other folks who also have electric cars. None of them want to go back to gas.


265 miles, i donā€™t think i ever had a car get much more than 300 on a fill up. like my taurus, fills up with say 15 gallons, gets like 21MPG.
EVs, theyā€™re really fast arenā€™t they? and in winter when u run heater, does it lower mileage?

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Theyā€™re seriously quick, although Iā€™m not positive theyā€™re really fast. Because itā€™s a motor rather than an engine, thereā€™s no torque curve.

Iā€™m embarrassed to say I donā€™t know the answer to that question. Living in the SF Bay Area, we rarely use either the ac or heater. Iā€™m going to try to remember to ask Mrs. mota about that. Iā€™m also embarrassed to say Iā€™ve never even wondered about it. Fuck.

Thank you for asking that question. :+1:

We had a Honda Civic hybrid with a 5-speed manual. It typically got about 24mpg but had a seriously gutless engine. It was fine on level ground, but it literally couldnā€™t make it up more seriously steep hills.


I donā€™t know that the heater power draw is more significant than the AC power draw in the summer. In the winter, however, the cold temperatures will increase the internal resistance of the battery and, probably more significantly, reduce the efficiency of the chemical reactions which take place, drastically reducing available energy.

yes the heater takes mileage how much really depends on the car. newer models tend to have heat pumps but a lot of earlier ones used a ceramic heater which is literally just a space heater and that would impact mileage way moreā€¦
the worse affect in the winter is actually that you dont get regen braking immediately until the battery is warm so you waste more range and driving characteristics are just a little different on a really cold morning if you dont preheat.

edit:also will say I dont think Ive met anyone that had an EV as a daily driver and wanted to go back to gas for that purpose. Some though that do lots of weekend trips or need to haul things will have a beater for that purpose.Personally I would never go back after 7 years its just way too convenient for it to always be filled up and ready to go but I only occasionally road trip and the places I do are generally very well covered by current charging infrastructureā€¦


But youā€™d be dodging the shower and the dirt. Itā€™s more energy efficient to stand still and dirty and just wait for the rain shower, right?

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Iā€™m that asshole maxing out my charge and minimizing my brake wear 100 yards out on a red light. I know everybody jockeys for position and hates my ass at toll plaza for not being hyper aggressive, but as my buddy muck used to say, ā€œpush it too hard, you might not make it at all. Talk to the tortoise about that shit, not the hareā€

Im happy my hybrid has the side effect of me not becoming an asshole.

I just realized I called myself an asshole, and then, not an asshole, lol


in warm weather my car slows down pretty aggressively on regen but my focus ev was not nearly as aggressive as the tesla is not sure if thats down to battery size or just a manufacturer option ā€¦

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My diesel provides great flexibility but they donā€™t like it when itā€™s really really cold either.


Imnot really a gear head beyond bicycles, and if I were, Iā€™d probably be the bad kind. Bike wrecks have been severe enough, mostly bacause of sharing the road. Isometimes itā€™s best to separate my wreckless desires from my safety abilities, lol.

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Do they have willie nelson ā„¢ biodesel in canadia?


No but we have hempcrete


I think thatā€™s far superior to d8 hhc lsa loophole conversions we do dow n here in alphabet town.

Once again, youā€™ll have to talk to a tortoise here, the hare isnā€™t in to it.


There is an awesome bellydancer that only dances to heavy metal-- she did a ā€˜coverā€™ of thi-- trying to find itā€¦