Not if properly seasoned and slow cooked.
If we tried that charges would be pending
I did that job as a young man and I used the soap spray to remove the glue from the labels on new tires because of the way that glue picks up dirt and the owner of the shop did not want any customer to see their brand new tires having a massive dirt spot on part of the tread.
Little details like that make the difference.
When building a fence you must remove all the lumber tags in the boards from the store.
When installing a new light you must run a bead of caulk around where the seam would be.
Little things. I see lovely fences with tags attached and shake my head.
Don’t forget the staples that hold the tags on. They’re often left if one simply pulls the tag itself.
Some of us are definitely a little CDO. You know, like OCD but the letters are in the correct alphabetical order…
Where’s that bong now that I need it most…
Oh yeah staples too.
It’s the difference between just well done and exceptional.
Well done @Pigeonman !
When he’s done with that I’m going to send him to get me the checkered spray paint.
…or to the dog!
My uncle lived in a hilly area. A neighbor wanted a fence that was level on the top despite the terrain. He fired 3 crews of fence makers before he finally gave in.
adrenochrome conspiracy has been around since the Middle Ages, and was also a Nazi conspiracy against Jews…It ‘‘pop’s up’’ any time elitists want to purge their society of the poor or ‘‘others’’…