OG Website Feature Wish List

I would also love this and hate the bright white lightbulb theme.


You may want to post this in here @Greenhighlander , that way you can guarantee LemonadeJoe sees it.


Thanks man. TBH I didn’t even look to see if a thread for this stuff already existed.

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No worries, hard to keep up on every thread. I just know Joe monitors that one so it will get you an answer quick.

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Not sure if your computer has the option in your browser, but my cellphone has the dark mode option in website settings. Everything for me is in dark mode lol


At least in Chrome it’s available … :sweat_smile:



I use dark mode in my Samsung and it works for OG on my phone too


High contrast mode on my phone works well for killing the bright background.

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Better to have a theme in the board software for security conscious people who don’t use phones or chrome browser. Having a way to log in without javascript would be great too but one thing at a time.

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I know there’s a requirement of at least 20 characters for a post but would like a reasonable maximum in the thread titles to avoid unnececessary loooong titles cansaooo|nullxnull TLTR … beer3|nullxnull


I have no standing to ask for anything, and the OG website is already the product of some elegant design decisions and carefully thought out compromises on what is and isn’t available.

That said, I’d sure like to be able to use the Grid Mode for pictures.

My experiments with the Grid tool have all produced an unusable image scramble in preview mode and I haven’t found a way to preview DRAFT posts in the full-sized topic/thread window without posting them publicly.

Thanks for listening.


Since people often accidentally post their adress in threads when winning seeds, perhaps changing the background color on the PM pages to shades of brown would be beneficial?

Or purple or pink, anything other than green :smile:


There will be a graphical distinction between PMs and public topics in next version! Stay tuned :slight_smile:


Wonderful! Thank you very much!


OG interface is already 100 times better than most sites out there… but, I have such a big list of users i want to follow… i usually just track their main threads, but sometimes more experienced users are constantly answering stuff on other threads, and that knowledge gets lost if youre not tracking those specific threads.

What do you think @LemonadeJoe ?


I was hoping that in the category section it would be nice to have the user review threads instead of just individually making one and so forth. For a app that is based on trust I think it is very important to easily find everyone’s reviews. I find it extremely difficult to find an individuals review page at the moment. I usually have to ask a user for it if I want to look at or add a review, especially if they haven’t added a link in their bio. Some users don’t even have one. Again I just think that it is a important enough subject to not only have a category of its own but possibly even make every user automatically get a review page. Thanks for any help.

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When I visit the Introduce Yourself thread I often see new members that I’d like to follow but most of them haven’t made any thread yet.

I think it would be a great addition to the site and get more people engaged.

Or if such a feature exists already, please tell me where I can find it. :smile:

Also, big thanks to the people involved with programming and maintaining this site!


I just watch the new threads notifications on the main page, that way you will see all new threads created. It isn’t specific to a particular user but it does the job.

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You’re right, perhaps being able to follow members is a bit too much like FB or IG.
It’s a forum, let’s keep it this way. :+1:


I still follow members bud. I look at all new threads using this method and when you see the ones you want just put them on watching, that way you will get notifications when someone posts in them. It’s not exactly the same as following a member on IG but essentially gives you the same notifications for their threads.