I noticed something that is rather concerning while looking at a few private group chat messages. There is now a new mysterious member that has appeared named “System” and they can’t be removed.
No it isn’t. It isn’t in other group chats, only an interesting select few. I can share screenshots privately if you wish.
I suggest that other members here go check your private group messages and look to see if “system” is a member of all or some of those. I think you will be unsettlingly surprised at the results.
Here is this as far as I know it:
System is an antispam bot used solely to seek and stop bots from posting…
Example being when a user first joins OG and makes their first post and they either copy and paste their whole post or type like a court stenographer, it will suspend that user and send the Leader team a message…
Now the ban was hastey and I’m willing to admit I jumped the gun.
But there has to be some willingness to admit that nothing crazy is happening here.
Why does it always have to come down to @moderators and @TeamOG being some secret society out to screw everyone over?
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but this is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. You can search a users posts by clicking the magnifying glass and inputting their name.
why are the staff here so touchy about someone asking a simple question about security? If you created a group chat on a site you were a member of and you suddenly saw a member that you did not recognize in it, I think that you would ask questions too, which is what I did.
Im neither a mod, nor staff, so forgive me if this isn’t directed at me; but toast gave y’all the honest answer and you don’t understand, thats a you problem. Go outside. Read a book. Calmate
That was exactly my point. Thats why i gave them a link they had to click to search thru, because there’s no answer you could give that would satiate them.
In one pm I have 20 ish people and none are system and I have one with 30ish that has it. Both are same age. Both have not been closed or had system say anything.
Why is it in one and not the other I don’t really care i’m not paranoid just a stoner who’s curious about why